International Trust Protection

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( As The Family Children Strive to be close together. People must strive to study rather than Aspiring for a family without a college degree. People who have international dreams shall strive to study first before having an aspired family. To provide for the family, people shall strive to finish a course with their desired passion. I, Lucirey Michael, shall strive to study first and go to college with my passion which is the best college degree that fits my passion which is Multi-Media Arts. I would rather study first rather than aiming to have a love life that could harm my focus in academics. It's better to be single because in a practical manner, people who are single just provide for themselves and their family. Its best to earn money when being single. It's hard to provide for a family when their is no degree holder, which makes me strive to go to college, and have a multi-media arts course. Credibility is tested most especially for professionals who have a degree holder. My Course Aim shall be Multi-Media Arts, then practice teaching, then take a one year course for being a teacher, then when ready take a masteral of Multi-Media Arts. Credibility is at its finest when a professional carries the best degree holder. A proof of professionalism is being a degree holder which is the best essence of credibility.)

( In The Trust Church of Sincerity )

Bald Head: I am the leader of humanity, Children shall know that having a family is hard when thy parents have no degree holder.

Bald Head with small Eyes: I can See Credibility of Professionals can save people with potential.

Bald Head with Cool Glasses: We shall nurture each potential then, for them to graduate with flying rainbow colors.

Bald Head with White Robe: Then Carrying a college degree shall save humanity.

Bald Shiniest Head: The Sunlight shall shine once more, when the world knows the essence of credibility, which can provide for thy family.

Bald Head sitting down in Indian Seat: Well, then , I shall meditate to make sure that most children nowadays, know the essence of credibility and take a college degree through professionalism. The Essence of Credibility is tested through professionalism, that could nurture each potential of Humanity.

Alien Bald Head: Well, Children, Nowadays shall take a college course first before making a family, for them to know that providing for a family is hard, that's why College is invented.

Martian Bald Head: Training Grounds of College is the best learning for each and every students, because the potential nurtured through College can make anyone ready for the real life that can nurture potential. College is the best learning which potential is so very nurtured. Training Grounds of College, shall be the greatest asset of potential being nurtured. College shall be the greatest training grounds asset of each school. Nurturing College Students can make anyone ready for the Real World. Potential Of College students shall be proven through training, hard work, perseverance and determination. College Training of Students is the greatest asset of each family, to pass on the Sacred Torch of Thy Family, to be the best family leader.

Bald Head with Cute Big Eyes: To be the best family leader, people shall strive to take a college course with their desired passion then.

Bald Head with cool Clothes: Nurturing potential then would be the greatest asset of International Trust Protection.

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