Chapter 6

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"You need to come with me to visit Dandelion Puff today," Lily Petal snapped. Feather Wings had just escaped another play session with Silver Snowflake's pups and was on his way back to the den for a well-deserved rest, but his sister had beat him to it.

"I don't feel well," he explained.

"You haven't seen her in so long," Lily Petal explained. "Don't you think that hurts her feelings?"

No. I think I've hurt Gentle Breeze's feelings more, Feather Wings thought.

"Look, Shining River keeps begging me to play with her and her siblings. I'm exhausted. I'll find another time, okay?" he promised.

"Don't pretend like you hate the play sessions," Lily Petal retorted.

No. He did not entirely hate playing with the pups. In the beginning, it had been a good way to distract himself. But Shining River had taken an annoying liking to him, one that Silver Snowflake clearly encouraged. She would tease Feather Wings about Shining River's apparent crush. It made the entire situation more awkward, especially since that way of speaking encouraged Shining River's behavior and made Feather Wings feel more and more indifferent toward her. However, he had not shared any of these details with Lily Petal. She had found a wolf she loved, one that did not follow her around like she was the only other wolf in the pack.

Feather Wing's distraction was slowly turning into a nuisance. However, he knew if he stopped playing with the pups or said anything mean to Shining River, he would get on Silver Snowflake's bad side in an instant.

"Look, you visit now, and I'll come by later, okay?" Feather Wings suggested. "I'm sure Dandelion Puff would much rather see you."

"That's not true! She likes seeing both of us!" Lily Petal exclaimed, digging her claws into the snow.

"I promise I'll visit after my nap. I promise, Lily Petal," Feather Wings said.

The white she-wolf took a deep breath and sighed. Slowly, she shut her eyes and nodded.

"You're so different these days," she murmured before spinning around and taking off to the omega den.

Did she really mean that? Feather Wings did not think he had changed much. He had felt he had lost connection with a lot of wolves, but was that his own doing?

I don't want to think about this right now. I want to take a nap, he thought. He found his normal space inside the den and curled up, awaking later to orange streaks of sunset invading the den. He supposed he should visit now before it got too dark. Dandelion Puff often went to sleep early, and he was sure Lily Petal had told her he would visit.

Feather Wings had not stepped near the omega den in sometime. He supposed one day he would have to explain to Dandelion Puff why he did not visit her as much as his sister. He preferred visiting her when Gentle Breeze was out of the den, though she rarely left it anyway. Most of the omegas stayed confined to the den with little duties to perform anyway.

Feather Wings took a deep breath and stepped outside into the winter air. A gust of wind hit his pelt, causing him to shiver. He wondered if the pack was in for another snowstorm tonight. He was sure growing tired of having snowflakes clustered to the fur of his pelt. Nevertheless, he trudged toward the omega den and stepped inside, shaking the water from his pelt.

He glanced up, finding Gentle Breeze's eyes staring directly at him. He quickly turned his head, finding Dandelion Puff absent.

"She's gone to scramble for some food," Gentle Breeze exclaimed. "She'll be back soon. Lily Petal was here earlier. She mentioned you'd be coming. I just didn't believe it."

"I-I guess I'll wait for her to get back then," Feather Wings thought, beginning to turn his body toward the entrance.

"Don't want to be in the same vicinity as me? Afraid my 'omega genes' will rub off on you?" Gentle Breeze growled.

Feather Wings spun around quickly. "That's not it! You know that's not it!"

"That has to be the reason why you stopped visiting," Gentle Breeze growled. "You barely make an effort to visit your own sister. You certainly don't care to visit me anymore. I thought you were different, when you were a pup. You were one of the few wolves that showed me compassion, but now..."

Feather Wings dug his claws into the dirt. Gentle Breeze was being unfair. Moon's Shine had been the one to initially make him break off the ties with the omega. It was simply wolf pack protocol. He would have been scolded otherwise for breaking the rules.

"Every time I come in here though you scream at me," Feather Wings murmured. "Don't you think that makes me want to stay away?"

"Because you never have a good excuse for yourself," Gentle Breeze growled. "You showed so much potential as a pup. You always thought for yourself. Now, you're just like the rest of them."

"I-I came here partially to visit you too, you know!" Feather Wings shouted, the truth out. Perhaps a visit to Dandelion Puff had been his intention, but he always wanted to check on her, make sure she was still eating and doing well, even if she wanted nothing to with him.

"What a lie that is," Gentle Breeze grumbled. "You're only here because your sister made you come, isn't that right?"

"That's not true! I--"

"You what?" Gentle Breeze asked. "Your mind is always in a thousand places at once. I never know what to think. But I know you're not being honest with me."

Feather Wings could not truly put into words what he wanted to say. He had always felt something inside him, deep down, but it was too far removed from his own conscience to truly explain. He was hurt that Gentle Breeze acted this way, angered, and saddened all at the same time. Why didn't she believe he still cared for her?

"Do you want me to visit or not?" Feather Wings asked quietly. "Do you want an apology? What do you want me to do?!"

"I think it's far too late for an apology. I'm not sure what an apology would even do at this point," Gentle Breeze grumbled.

"I'm sorry!"

"Just get out!" Gentle Breeze snapped. "I dread these discussions more than anything. It's painful to see you, Feather Wings. I know your sister still longs for you to visit, so I'll leave when you do visit her, but I don't want to see you again. Please don't talk to me anymore."

"F-Fine!" Feather Wings shouted, suddenly infuriated.

He turned and rushed out of the den, passing right by Dandelion Puff as he did so. His visit to his sister would have to wait. Right now, all he wanted was to be alone.

Wolves of the Falling Stars Book 3: The Fall of the PackWhere stories live. Discover now