Chapter 15

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Feather Wings felt even more lonely now that he had isolated his sister from himself. Sometimes the two would murmur a "good morning" but there was often little conversation exchanged between the two of them after Feather Wings' blowout.

Feather Wings felt a bit guilty, but he also knew deep down that he was right. Perhaps Lily Petal had not changed after all, and now, Feather Wings wasn't sure who he could trust anymore. He had lost everyone close to him, besides his parents, he supposed, but they were too busy to notice his problems these days. He was no longer a pup anymore.

Feather Wings often meandered around these days. Sometimes he considered talking to Copper Rock. He figured the dog must still be upset at his sister's disappearance, but Feather Wings wasn't sure if he wanted to make new friends. He only managed to drive them away, he'd learned.

Of course, Shining River never kept her distance. She was the wolf that Feather Wings interacted with the most often, now that the scar on his cheek was a clear reminder of what would happen if he ignored her completely. Feather Wings hated being manipulated into keeping Shining River company, but with no outlets or anyone to turn to, he was simply doing as he was told these days.

Every once in a while, his gaze would turn to the omega den where Dandelion Puff and Gentle Breeze were. Sometimes, Feather Wings' paw would twitch as he got the smallest inkling to move forward and apologize to Gentle Breeze. But they would only ever be able to be friends if she accepted his apology, and even then, wouldn't Feather Wings be scolded for spending time with an omega again?

The day was bright as Feather Wings headed out to training. He had only taken a few steps outside the den when that all-too-familiar gray pup came running toward him, her eyes sparkling with false brightness.

"Oh, Feather Wings!" Shining River said, rushing up to him.

"Good morning," Feather Wings murmured. He didn't try to feign excitement anymore, though Shining River didn't seem to care as long as he was showing her attention.

"My siblings and I are going to begin training tonight!"

"That's great," Feather Wings said. How much longer until he was a full member of the pack?

"We can even sleep next to each other in the den," Shining River said. She glanced down and shuffled her paws, feigning humility. "Unless, of course, you don't want to."

"It's fine. You get to sleep where you want," he told her. Plus, Feather Wings would be more distanced from his sister if Shining River was sleeping between them. He wasn't sure who he'd like in the den with him anymore.

"I'm so sad we'll only get to spend so much time together before you become a full member. I'll have to visit you every day!"

"Yes, of course," Feather Wings murmured, his eyes gazing to the omega den.

"What are you looking at?" Shining River snapped.

Feather Wings blinked, turning back to the pup. "Huh?"

"Why do you look at the omega den like that? They're below us. They should be left out in the woods to starve, if you ask me," Shining River grumbled.

"My sister is an omega," Feather Wings stated.

"It happens to all families, I guess," Shining River said. "I'll see you tonight under the full moon then. I have something to ask you!" With that, she bounded away, leaving Feather Wings' stomach feeling more queasy than he would have liked.

"Oh my! Looks like the two little lovebirds are getting along swimmingly," Feather Wings heard his mother, Moon's Shine, say. He knew she didn't know any different, that he hadn't told her what was going on, but it upset him all the same.

"Stop saying that," Feather Wings grumbled as he sulked past her, though she giggled, probably thinking he was just embarrassed.

With the growing anxiety of Shining River's upcoming ceremony, Feather Wings did poorly in training. He was frequently being scolded by Tall Rock. The older wolf claimed Feather Wings had lost all he had learned in the past week. Feather Wings was upset Shining River was having this effect on him. No matter how hard he tried, he could not perform as well to his liking. He was suddenly fearful that he would have to train longer and thus be in Shining River's presence more often.

As the sun set, Feather Wings' anxiety grew. He thought of turning to Copper Rock and maybe even making up with his sister, but Copper Rock seemed to be engaged in a friendly conversation with his parents, and Lily Petal seemed to be fine talking to Jay's Tail. Feather Wings had noticed her sneaking out in the middle of the night to sleep in Jay's Tail's den, even if it was forbidden.

"Attention, Pack of the Falling Stars! Let's gather together!" Maple Leaf called.

The moon was shining brightly in the sky now while the stars danced around it. Such ceremonies usually filled Feather Wings with excitement, and when he thought of how he would become a full member of the pack soon, his paws tingled just a bit. But then Feather Wings remembered who this ceremony was for...

Feather Wings watched Shining River and her four siblings assemble near the alphas. They were all staring happily, though a chill ran down Feather Wings' spine as Shining River stared at him. Her stare looked malicious before back into a smile. Shining River was waving her tail happily now.

Feather Wings was too disoriented to pay much attention to the ceremony itself. His ears began to ring when he heard the wolves howl as they welcomed the pups into their new rank in the pack. He was hoping he could turn around and hop off to bed, but he suddenly remembered Shining River would be joining, so it was not like he could avoid her this time.

Hmm, maybe I can sneak off into the other wolves' dens too, like Lily Petal, Feather Wings thought.

"Ohhhhh, Feather Wings!" Shining River's sing-song-y voice rang through the crowd. 

"Congratulations," he told her. "You'll want to get to bed since you'll have early mornings from now on."

"Thank you for your concern," she said. "But I wanted to tell you something else. I don't think it's any secret, but I've fallen head-over-heels for you, Feather Wings, and when I become a full member of the pack beside you, I hope you'll ask me to be your mate."

Feather Wings' limbs began to tremble, and he gulped. A few other wolves were still lingering nearby, and their eyes turned to the two as Shining River proposed this. Why did he feel so much fear over this little pup?

Feather Wings sighed, about to give in, when he caught sight of Gentle Breeze in the distance. She glanced at him, pausing in her steps. She was waiting for his answer too, it seemed. 

Suddenly, Feather Wings was overwhelmed with realization. No, this was not the life he wanted. He was going to end it right here.

"I'm sorry, Shining River. I don't feel the same way, and I think it's best we don't speak to each other for a while," Feather Wings told her.

There was a pause as realization spread across Shining River's face. She paused for a few moments, looking somber.

"I was afraid you'd say that," she whimpered. Suddenly, she dug her claws into the ground and let out a growl. "But why do you have to be so cruel?!" She launched at him, knocking him onto the ground.

Feather Wings gasped, trying to kick the she-wolf off of him as she clawed wherever she could. He could feel her claws making contact with his skin as blood began oozing onto his pelt. The other wolves were quick to help pull Shining River off, and when Feather Wings emerged from the ground, panting and covered in blood, the other wolves were looking at him like he had been the one acting monstrous.

Shining River was weeping now while Silver Snowflake comforted her. The white beta glanced at Feather Wings, glaring at him. 

Feather Wings suddenly realized that Copper Rock's warning was coming into play. There was no backing out of this situation now, even if he was the one covered in scratches. He had been foolish to think that he could have been free from Shining River's grasp.

Wolves of the Falling Stars Book 3: The Fall of the PackWhere stories live. Discover now