Chapter 22

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Lily Petal did her best to ignore the misery in her life. So what if her brother and sister, her best friend, didn't need her anymore. Jay's Tail still stood by her side, and he was all that she needed for company.

It did hurt her though to see her former friends getting along well without her. Small Fox seemed to have no problem finding wolves to sit with to eat. Lily Petal always saw Dandelion Puff accompanied by Gentle Breeze. And even Feather Wings, who had been down in the dumps for so long, seemed up in the air.

Lily Petal would watch him from afar while she ate, wondering how her brother had transformed so. Then, she would see Shining River walk up and talk to him after her training at the end of the day, and she considered if the she-wolf was the reason. Feather Wings had gotten along well with her for a while now. Perhaps that's what he had been planning to talk to Lily Petal about that day.

With Feather Wings not currently speaking to her though, Lily Petal was left guessing.

"You're doing it again," Jay's Tail murmured as they ate.


"Zoning out."

"I was looking at my brother, sorry," Lily Petal admitted. "He's been in such a good mood lately. Anyone can tell. I just wonder why."

"Why don't you ask him?"

"I don't know," Lily Petal murmured.

"You can't ignore each other forever," Jay's Tail told her.

"I guess you're right," Lily Petal said, feeling the first bit of motivation in awhile to resolve her strained relationships. She stood and licked Jay Tail's cheek before walking over to Feather Wings, who was sitting down and eating a brief meal it seemed.

As she approached, Lily Petal noticed Feather Wings look up and stare at her in confusion. Perhaps it was because she was smiling widely at him, as if nothing had happened earlier.

"Can I help you?" Feather Wings asked as she came to a pause near him.

"I was just wondering how you were doing, that's all," Lily Petal said. She took a seat across from him and smiled, expectantly waiting for him to say more.

"I'm doing fine," Feather Wings murmured.

"Oh, don't act so grumpy. I can tell you're a lot happier these days," Lily Petal teased. "Does a little bit of love have to do with it?"

Feather Wings' ears suddenly pricked up. "Who'd you hear that from?"

"What? So quick to deny it?" Lily Petal asked. "Anyone can tell. I was the same way when Jay's Tail and I first got together, like I was walking on clouds. Well, then a lot of stuff happened, but initially, it was like my life couldn't go wrong."

"Keep quiet about it," Feather Wings quietly growled. "If anyone else found out..."

"But everyone already knows!" Lily Petal exclaimed.

"They do?!" Feather Wings gasped, suddenly looking terrified.

"Well, of course they do. You and Shining River are practically inseparable."

"Shining River?" Feather Wings murmured.

"That's who you're in love with, right?" Lily Petal guessed. "You've had a crush on her for a while, I can tell. Why else would you always spend time with her? I don't know why you seem so upset about it. Everyone's expecting you two to become mates."

"I know," Feather Wings said.

"Well, why do you look so upset about it? I'm just happy you finally got over Gentle Breeze, or whatever. Mom told you when we were pups, but it's not a good idea to hang around an omega so much. It starts to rub off on you, you know--"

"Will you shut up?!" Feather Wings exclaimed.

"What? I'm just saying it as it is."

"I made up with Gentle Breeze. I still speak to her sometimes. There's nothing wrong with that, just like there's nothing wrong with me seeing Dandelion Puff either," Feather Wings growled.

"Well, she's our sister, so you get a pass."

"Lily Petal, why did you really come over here?" Feather Wings growled at her.

"To check up on you, of course. Just making sure you're doing well. And I was curious. I wanted to know if the rumors were true or not," Lily Petal stated.

"What rumors?"

"That you like Shining River, of course!" Lily Petal exclaimed.

"Why do you get to know that?"

"Because I'm your sister! Don't I always get the details of your personal life?" Lily Petal wondered. She wagged her tail, antsy for Feather Wings to keep talking. This was the longest they had kept up a conversation in awhile.

Feather Wings stood, towering over his sister. It was hard to imagine they had once been the same size. Lily Petal felt small and frail compared to him. And slightly afraid as he looked down on her, his lips curled back into a snarl.

"You don't get to come over here and interrogate me about my life!" Feather Wings growled at her. "What? Did you think we just made up suddenly? You're not entitled to details about my personal life. We're not pups living in our mother's den again."

Lily Petal scooted back some, not expecting this response. Her brother had always been so gentle that it always frightened her when he became angry.

"But you'd looked happier, so I thought maybe..."

"I'd talk to you again?"

"Yes," Lily Petal said, lowering her head in shame.

"Just because I'm happier doesn't mean I'm ready to forgive you just yet. And you shouldn't be running around guessing what's made me happy either. Maybe if you'd listened to me like you used to, you'd know those details. But I'm perfectly fine withholding information about my personal life from you now," Feather Wings growled at her. "Please just leave me alone," he said. 

He turned around, swishing his tail in her face.

"Feather Wings," she called out as he walked away, but he did not turn back to listen to her.

She sat there, dumbfounded, as he walked away. What was even more curious, she thought, was that it appeared he was heading to the omega den. 

That thought infuriated Lily Petal even more. So did Dandelion Puff get to hear all the details now? Had she replaced Lily Petal's sisterly role?

Lily Petal dug her claws into the ground and snarled at nothing. Well, fine. If Feather Wings didn't want to talk then he didn't have to. She didn't care much at all anymore.

With a sigh, Lily Petal stood and walked away.

Wolves of the Falling Stars Book 3: The Fall of the PackWhere stories live. Discover now