Chapter 19

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Lily Petal should have been enjoying life as a full member of the pack. She had a loving mate, a great home, and she enjoyed her days hunting with the pack and defending the border of their home. Her mother and father remarked how great of a wolf she had become. She was not that same pup who had run off with Morning Dew in the woods so long ago.

But Lily Petal didn't feel much different. In fact, she felt worse. Her brother was avoiding her, Small Fox as well. Sure, her parents still loved her, and Jay's Tail, of course, but Lily Petal could not believe so many of her close relationships had vanished in an instant.

Well, what do they want me to do? Not be with Jay's Tail? Isn't why they were complaining in the first place, she thought angrily. So they didn't want her to find love? How obnoxious, she thought.

While sharing breakfast with Jay's Tail one morning, she noticed Jay's Tail staring at her in concern.

"Is everything all right?" he asked her.

"Why wouldn't it be?" she answered, taking a bite of a measly rabbit one of the pack members had managed to catch. "I wish we had more meat."

"Winter will be over soon," Jay's Tail told her affectionately.

"It's so cold all the time. I'm sick of walking around in ice," Lily Petal grumbled as she took another bite of meat.

"Why don't you visit your sister this afternoon?" Jay's Tail suggested, clearly noticing her annoyance. "You haven't visited her in a while, and I'm sure she'd be happy to see you."

Lily Petal's ears pricked up. That's right. She hadn't visited Dandelion Puff since becoming a full wolf. Maybe a short visit would help her take her mind off her brother and friend. Dandelion Puff had no reason to be mad at her. All she wanted was one friendly interaction with a wolf.

"You know what. That does sound like a good idea. I'll go do that," she told him enthusiastically.

"Your eyes brightened up immediately," he told her as she stood. "I'd go see her. You're always in a better mood after."

"Sorry," Lily Petal murmured. "I'm being annoying, aren't I?"

Jay's Tail licked her cheek. "Don't apologize. If you ever want to talk about what you're going through, then talk to me."

"It's nothing. I'll see you later, Jay's Tail. Love you," she said before turning and heading to the omega den. As she approached the entranced, she froze, watching as Feather Wings emerged from the den.

"What? What were you doing in there? You never visit the omega den," Lily Petal remarked.

Feather Wings glanced up at her. His eyes looked brighter, and he walked with more confidence than before. But he still glared at her all the same as he murmured, "Why do you care?" before stalking off.

Lily Petal let out a hmph before she entered herself, finding Gentle Breeze and Dandelion Puff quietly talking.

"Oh, Lily Petal! You're here!" Gentle Breeze exclaimed, clearly not expecting her.

"I know my visits have been a little short as of late, but I'm back and ready to mingle," she said, staring enthusiastically at Dandelion Puff. She felt herself stiffen when Dandelion Puff gave her a half-formed smile.

"Is everything okay?" Lily Petal asked as she took a seat beside her sister. "Why was Feather Wings in here anyway?"

"I'll leave you two alone to talk for a moment," Gentle Breeze decided. She stood up swiftly and swiftly exited the den, leaving the two alone to talk.

"Sorry I haven't been able to visit lately. Things have gotten crazy since I became a full member of the pack," Lily Petal explained. "I'm Jay's Tail's mate now. Did you hear that?"

Dandelion Puff dipped her head.

"You're being rather quiet today. How are you doing?" Lily Petal asked.

"Fine," Dandelion Puff murmured.

"Well, why was Feather Wings here? He hasn't stepped anywhere near this place since before there was snow on the ground. I used to have to beg him just to come visit. Wonder what that's all about," Lily Petal said.

"He visits now," Dandelion Puff stated.

"To see you?"

"And Gentle Breeze."

"They made up? I thought they were fighting or something," Lily Petal thought.

Dandelion Puff dipped her head.

"Well, I'm sure Mom and Dad will be in to visit you soon. I know they're able to come a lot more often. I've just been so busy, you know?" Lily Petal explained.

"I know. Feather Wings said that already," Dandelion Puff stated.

"Well, what did Feather Wings say about me? Probably some bad stuff. We haven't been getting along lately. I don't know if you knew that," Lily Petal stated.

"Well, it didn't seem like you were saying some nice things to him," Dandelion Puff answered.

"What? Are you siding with him? You don't even know what happened between us! All you do is sit here in this den and--" Lily Petal cut herself off. "Dandelion Puff, I'm sorry. I didn't mean."

"No. I get it. I'm just a useless omega, right? That's all I've ever been," Dandelion Puff murmured, shuffling her paws in the dirt.

"No! You're my sister, and I love you a lot," Lily Petal promised.

"Did you say that to Feather Wings too?"

"Dandelion Puff, what has gotten into you? I know I haven't been able to visit lately, but that's just been because I was busy. There's no need to get upset," Lily Petal stated. The last thing she wanted was another wolf mad at her, especially another family member.

"But you don't do anything besides stick around Jay's Tail."

"Feather Wings--"

"I didn't hear it just from Feather Wings. Small Fox was talking to Feather Wings one day too. They were both talking about you. I just don't get how Mom and Dad, how Feather Wings, can stop by every day, but you say you're too busy, when all you've done is fight with the wolves around you," Dandelion Puff argued.

"What are you saying?" Lily Petal asked quietly.

"I think they're right. That maybe you haven't changed," Dandelion Puff murmured.

Lily Petal stood up suddenly, brushing the dirt off her white pelt. "Well, fine! I didn't come here to be insulted by my sister, an omega, of all wolves. Believe what Feather Wings and Small Fox spew about me. I know that Jay's Tail loves me, at least. That's good enough for me. If you don't want me visiting, then fine."

"That's not what I mean. I just mean you should check your attitude, Lily Petal," Dandelion Puff warned.

Lily Petal had never felt so inflamed. How dare all these wolves make assumptions about her? Try to compare her to the pup she was so long ago?

"No. It's fine. I get it. No one wants me around. That's why I stick with Jay's Tail anyway. Have fun greeting Feather Wings every day. Hope he continues to make more rude comments about me. Maybe Gentle Breeze likes to join in too, since every wolf is judging me," Lily Petal huffed.

"Lily Petal, that's not--"

"See you around," Lily Petal murmured as she marched out of the den. Maybe earlier, she would have cried, but now, she was just angered. If no one wanted her in their life, then fine. She didn't need anyone. Only Jay's Tail. 

So much for family, Lily Petal thought angrily as she stalked away into the woods for a much-deserved solo hunting session.

Wolves of the Falling Stars Book 3: The Fall of the PackWhere stories live. Discover now