Chapter 30

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Golden Flower was cold, tired, and hungry. Yet, she persisted. The life she had lived with her parents and sibling was now forever gone. She was entering into a new life, the one she had always dreamed about, where she would be a member of a wolf pack. The thought excited her, yet that excitement was slowly dissipating the longer she moved through the woods.

Her nose was still sharp, and she still knew the general direction of the pack, but she hated to admit it was taking her a bit longer to find the pack than she previously thought it would. Fear was beginning to overtake the pup now, as she wondered if she had lost track, and she was destined to die out here. Her stomach was grumbling, and it was hard to find water when most of the streams and ponds were still frozen. Yes, the snow was beginning to melt, but not enough for Golden Flower's likening.

She paused for a moment and took a seat, trying to ignore her exhaustion. She considered curling up under a tree and taking a short nap, but she remembered that if the plan had not gone well, her parents would be looking for her. She needed to find that pack as soon as possible.

As she stood, she noticed something move out of the corner of her eye. It was a small brown she-wolf. She moved quickly through the forest, using the foliage to cover her. Strangely, she was going in the opposite direction of Golden Flower, but her scent was strong and smelled vividly of the wolf pack that Golden Flower had once come to.

Smiling to herself, she retracted the scent of the she-wolf, finally glad to be back on track. She supposed the she-wolf must be going out for an early morning hunt. She was thankful the wolf had passed by; otherwise, she wasn't sure she would have been able to get to the pack herself.

The terrain was becoming more familiar, as well as the scents. There was a thick cluster of trees ahead, one that Golden Flower was sure led into a small clearing. She was in their territory, she realized now, even if she had spotted no wolves yet. Golden Flower crept carefully and hid in a bush as voices approached.

Through a small crevice between leaves, she realized she had found the dens of the pack! There were many wolves out laying in the sun, scolding their pups, or sharing a meal. She smiled suddenly. Yes! She had found the pack after all. And soon, it would be her future.

Golden Flower carefully crept out of the bush and into the area. The wolves did not notice at first. In fact, many probably assumed her to be another pup of the pack. Then, that black she-wolf--Panther's Screech--she remembered, caught sight of her.

"You!" the she-wolf exclaimed, rushing toward her.

Golden Flower whimpered and cowered underneath the dark wolf.

"What are you doing here?" Panther's Screech asked.

The rest of the wolves were beginning to go quiet as attention was turned to Golden Flower. They were picking up on her foreign scent, she realized now, and most were realizing they did not recognize her to be a member of the pack.

"What's going on?" Raven's Wing asked. He stepped forward, finding Golden Flower. "Well, you've grown a bit, haven't you?"

"Please! I want to join your pack!" Golden Flower exclaimed.

Another strange-looking animal appeared. She had auburn fur and was considerably smaller than many of the wolves. In a way, she looked slightly similar to Golden Flower's mother, but the young pup was too frightened to think anything of it. She realized, by this "wolf's" authoritative presence, it must be the alpha female.

"Was this the pup that you caught in our territory awhile back?" she asked.

"Yes, Maple Leaf," Panther's Screech said. "But she was collected up in the evening, presumably by her family."

"I want to join!" Golden Flower said again.

"How do we know she does not belong to the rogues who attacked?" the alpha female asked.

"Her scent does not match them," Raven's Wing answered. "And when she was collected before, there was no threat."

"I am a rogue, but I do not belong to those mean wolves! I saw them once, when I was living with my family. We hid from them," Golden Flower explained.

"So you do have a family," the alpha female murmured.

"No," Golden Flower said. "I've been on my own a few days now. They...they were killed."

"By the same rogues?" Raven's Wing asked.

It felt wrong to lie, but Golden Flower nodded. Panther's Screech seemed a bit perturbed by this comment, as she began acting strange, but the alpha female and male seemed not to notice.

"Please. I have no family, and I'll die in the woods alone. All my life, I've wanted to join a wolf pack. Please let me join," Golden Flower murmured.

There was a small sigh from Raven's Wing, but his mate gently placed her paw on his.

"Remember, Raven's Wing, that we were like her, too, wanting to join a wolf pack. She clearly has the enthusiasm for it, and we are always happy to welcome new members."

"I agree you don't seem to pose a threat," Raven's Wing murmured. "But we'll have to be careful with you if we let you join. The rogues attacked our pack not too long ago. You will not be entirely safe here."

"That is okay," Golden Flower said. "I'll do whatever it takes to join the pack."

"What is your name?" the alpha female asked.

Golden Flower grumbled. It felt wrong telling them that her true name was Golden Flower, as they may suspect she was from another pack, so she let out a sigh and said, "I do not want to use my real name anymore, since it was a part of my past. I want a pack name. Could I...could I be called Golden Flower?"

"Golden Flower? Yes, I suppose. It makes my job easier not to have to think of a name for you myself," Raven's Wing said. "All right, Golden Flower, you may join the Pack of the Falling Stars, but will you show us loyalty, fight for our pack, and protect your packmates with your life?"

"I will," Golden Flower promised.

"Welcome to the Pack of the Falling Stars, then," Raven's Wing said. "I am the alpha male Raven's Wing, and this is my mate, Maple Leaf."

"You look positively starving. Let's get you something to eat," Maple Leaf said, leading Golden Flower off.

Golden Flower's heart was bursting with happiness. Finally, she had found where she was meant to belong.

Wolves of the Falling Stars Book 3: The Fall of the PackWhere stories live. Discover now