Chapter 13

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"You brought her back," Hazel Branch said as she stood at the entrance of the den. Her two other pups clung at her feet, their eyes widening in surprise to see their sister's return. Hazel Branch's voice was cracking, as if she were about to cry.

Crow's Laugh gently set Golden Flower back on the ground. She growled as the cold ice touched her paws, then ran forward to the den's entrance where her mother licked her forehead and wept. Golden Flower didn't understand why. She was okay. Nothing bad had happened. She had had a pretty amazing experience finding that wolf pack. If only her father hadn't rescued her. She might have been sleeping in one of their dens if she had remained hidden.

Still, Golden Flower felt a tad guilty as Hazel Branch's tongue rasped against her fur. She knew she had worried her mother. Crow's Laugh seemed upset too. She wanted to tell them it was okay, that she could fend for herself, but judging by her father's glare, she guessed it was best she go straight to bed.

"What happened, Golden Flower?" Rock Path whispered.

"Did you go somewhere?" Black Berry wondered.

"I'll tell you later," Golden Flower replied.

The next morning, a lecture was imminent. Crow's Laugh took Golden Flower's brothers to play outside while Hazel Branch sat in front of Golden Flower, letting out a heavy sigh.

"Why?" she asked quietly. "Why did you think it was a good idea to run off like that?"

"I was curious," Golden Flower admitted. "I want to see the world."

"It's not safe!" Hazel Branch exclaimed. When Golden Flower jumped at her mother's rising tone, Hazel Branch let out a sigh and lowered her voice again. "Did the run-in with the rogues not teach you anything? They'll kill pups like you for the sport of it. Do you want your mother or father finding your dead body out in the woods?"

"N-No," Golden Flower admitted. "But I--"

"I don't care what justifications you're giving yourself. What you did was dangerous and selfish to your family who cares a lot about you. You're lucky your father found you in time. We were all looking for you all day. Your brothers were even worried," Hazel Branch scolded.

"I'm sorry," Golden Flower whimpered.

"You don't understand what I've done to protect you," Hazel Branch said. "What I've had to give up and sacrifice. Putting your life in danger is a cruel way to repay your father's and my debt. We'll have to watch you even more and restrict your play areas."

"No! Please! I'm sorry! I won't do it again!" Golden Flower promised.

"You don't understand, Golden Flower. The world is too dangerous for you to explore. Not every wolf is nice. Not even the ones you thought you could trust," Hazel Branch said and let out another sigh.

She's speaking in riddles. I have no idea what she's talking about, Golden Flower thought. It did not matter what her mother was hiding. Golden Flower was more upset about the restrictions than anything else.

"Can I at least go out and play with my brothers?" Golden Flower asked.

"Not for a few days," Hazel Branch warned. She stalked past her daughter, and a few moments later, Crow's Laugh emerged, still looking disappointed at his daughter.

Golden Flower's ears went back as she saw her father's glare.

"I'm sure your mother has said more than enough," Crow's Laugh stated. "I just have a question to ask you."


"Did you meet any wolves when you were out there?" Crow's Laugh wondered.

"No," Golden Flower lied. She wasn't sure why she lied, but she felt it was the best choice. Her father most definitely did not see that other black she-wolf who had stared at him in amazement.

"Good," Crow's Laugh murmured, but he offered no information as to why this was a good thing. Golden Flower supposed he was just happy she had not met any wolves on her journey that could have possibly harmed her.

He stayed with her while she sulked, and after a while, Golden Flower's siblings finally came back in to bring her company. Crow's Laugh left to hunt, and Hazel Branch dozed in the corner. Golden Flower felt she could take off again as Hazel Branch left, but she was sure her siblings would stop her, or Crow's Laugh would find her. No, Golden Flower owed it to her family to stay put for a bit.

"What happened out there, Golden Flower?" Black Berry asked curiously.

"You really want to know?" Golden Flower asked, already seeing her brothers' eyes light up with curiosity.

"Tell us," Rock Path begged. She knew she was a good storyteller by the way they sat patiently with their ears perked, waiting for her to speak.

"I found a wolf pack," Golden Flower whispered.

"No way!" Rock Path exclaimed.

"Sh!" both she and Black Berry said at the same time, out of fear of waking their sleeping mother. She was probably exhausted worrying about her daughter the day before.

"How did you find them? What were they like?" Rock Path wondered.

"I found their territory. I don't know what pack it actually was, but I met their alpha. But he didn't look much like a wolf. He was all black and small and scrawny. The other wolves looked like wolves though. There was this black she-wolf who watched me throughout the day. She kind of looked like Dad," Golden Flower explained. "She kept an eye on me throughout the day. The alpha thought I might be a spy for the rogues, so the plan was that they were going to keep an eye on me the entire night to see if a wolf came for me. If not, I think they would have let me join. That's what I told them I wanted to do."

"But then you would have never come home," Black Berry said sadly.

"I would have come here with a bunch of wolves and brought you all back to the pack! Then we could all live together!" Golden Flower exclaimed. She stiffened as her mother shuffled in her sleep, but she remained asleep nonetheless.

"But Dad came and got you?" Rock Path asked.

Golden Flower nodded sadly. "Yes. He found me before the night was over. That she-wolf looked at him strangely and muttered weird things when I was taken. She probably thought I was a rogue after all. Maybe I'll be back someday. I don't really remember the path, but I'm sure I could find it again. Then we could all go!"

"You know you shouldn't," Black Berry murmured. "Mom and Dad were really worried."

Golden Flower let her tail droop. "I know. But maybe when I'm big and strong and not in this small den anymore, I'll go back."

"Will you take me with you?" Rock Path asked.

"Enough pack talk," Black Berry growled, shoving his brother with his paw. "I can hear Dad."

True to his word, Crow's Laugh returned with prey less than a minute later, and the talk of Golden Flower's exciting adventure came to a halt. Even though she feigned small talk as she ate, she excitedly thought of her encounter with the wolf pack again and again, hoping she could return someday.

Wolves of the Falling Stars Book 3: The Fall of the PackWhere stories live. Discover now