Chapter 12

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Feather Wings was tired of nearly everyone in the pack. His cheek still stung from the wound Silver Snowflake had inflicted on it, and he was growing afraid that it would not heal properly. His sister, though he had tried to ask for her help, spent more time ignoring him for the company of Jay's Tail instead. Gentle Breeze, though she would always shine favorably now in Feather Wings' eyes, was still infuriated with him. Feather Wings felt alone, just as he had when he was a pup, except he wasn't sure the affection from his parents he had gotten as a pup would make up for it this time.

There were too many thoughts to grapple. Feather Wings often meandered to the woods these days, thinking about Gentle Breeze and his feelings for her. He was not sure how he had not discovered such feelings earlier. He wondered for a while if the feelings were false, but after many nights of contemplation, he knew he wasn't lying to himself about how he felt about her.

But she's an omega. It would never work, Feather Wings thought miserably.

There was not to mention that Feather Wings had since had to apologize to Shiny River for his harsh words at Silver Snowflake's request. Of course Shiny River had accepted it, and while Shining River was not as clingy as usual, she still tried to seek his attention as much as possible.

Who can I even talk to anymore? Feather Wings lamented. He had tried Lily Petal, and that had failed. This was not something he felt comfortable talking to his parents about. Who else even was there?

Feather Wings was returning from a solo hunt when he noticed Copper Rock returning at the same time. Feather Wings had not seen much of the dog since his sister had disappeared. He appeared to be taking it better than Crow's Laugh's sisters, but he kept his distance nonetheless.

"Hey, Copper Rock!" Feather Wings called.

The dog swung his head, dropping his piece of prey as he stared at Feather Wings.

"Oh, Feather Wings. How are you?" Copper Rock asked as Feather Wings approached him.

"All right," Feather Wings stated. Copper Rock and Hazel Branch used to visit him and his siblings often when they were just pups since their parents were good friends. They had lost that connection a long time ago, and Hazel Branch's disappearance surely did not help. But perhaps it was time to rekindle that friendship again.

"Is everything okay?" Copper Rock asked. "That scratch on your face..."

"Can I talk to you?" Feather Wings asked. "A bit farther from the dens? It's nothing serious. I just need some advice."

"Sure," Copper Rock replied, following Feather Wings out to the meadow that looked out over the human territory. It was always quiet and remote here, and if they were lucky, maybe they could snag a few rabbits that tried to come out of their burrows.

"So what's on your mind?" Copper Rock asked.

"You know how I got this wound, right?" Feather Wings asked.

"Silver Snowflake. You said some hurtful things to Shining River, didn't you?" Copper Rock asked.

Feather Wings nodded. "I didn't mean to. I've been holding a lot in lately, and it all erupted at once." He neglected to mention Gentle Breeze to Copper Rock. That was a secret he was now planning to keep to himself. Though he had considered telling Lily Petal, he guessed now it was best to keep his feelings private. Shining River, however, was still an issue, which was why Feather Wings wanted his advice.

"I see how Shining River follows you everywhere. It must be annoying," Copper Rock noted.

"Yes. I think...I think she's a bit obsessed with me," Feather Wings admitted. "As soon as I apologized, she forgave me in an instant, and now I'm back to square one, like this wound changed nothing."

"You don't feel the same?"

"No," Feather Wings answered. His paws trembled, worried Copper Rock might ask who it was Feather Wings truly loved, but the dog kept his silence.

"I don't blame you. She seems a bit insane, and I've only witnessed her from afar," Copper Rock said. Relief poured through Feather Wings at these words. So he wasn't the only one who thought so.

"I don't know how to turn her down though. I was almost thankful for that explosion at her because I thought it would change things, but..." Feather Wings was growing concerned as Copper Rock's face twisted into horror and disgust at the same time. "What is it?"

"What advice are you really asking for?" Copper Rock asked quietly.

"How I should turn Shining River down, of course!"

Copper Rock twisted his paws in the dirt. He had always seemed so large to Feather Wings as a pup, but now Feather Wings towered over him. In this moment, Copper Rock looked more feeble than ever.

"I don't think you can get out of this," Copper Rock realized. He was one of the smartest pack members Feather Wings knew, and hearing this from Copper Rock's mouth was not a great sign.

"What do you mean?" Feather Wings asked, his heart beginning to pound.

"Shining River may be insane, but she's quite skilled for her age, like a prodigy," Copper Rock stated. "Her mother was the same. I'm sure Shining River will prove herself to be a skilled wolf."

"Which means?"

"When Shining River becomes alpha, I wouldn't be surprised if she chose her daughter as her beta. It's no surprise that Silver Snowflake favors her daughter. She gave you that scar after all. I have a feeling that if this comes true, Shining River will want you to be her mate, and if you refuse..."

"If I refuse?"

"Not only will you be at the danger of Shining River, but also the pack," Copper Rock warned.

"What? But Shining River's insane! How do we know Silver Snowflake would even choose her?!"

"We both know she's insane. Silver Snowflake might know a little too, but a mother's love blurs those flaws. Shining River is actually quite cunning. She's manipulative, particularly to you, but the other packmates adore her because she comes off as so likable and spunky. You and I are some of the few wolves who know what she's really like."

"So if I refuse..."

"I think a scar from Silver Snowflake is kinder than what will probably happen to you. Whether Shining River threatens you or the pack shuns you, your life will be changed for the worse if you don't accept. You're practically betrothed to her now, Feather Wings," Copper Rock warned.

Feather Wings blinked, completely taken aback. No, it couldn't be. He wanted to be with Gentle Breeze after all, but hadn't he just admitted himself earlier that it would never work? No. Now he had trapped himself in this endless cycle of gathering Shining River's affection. There was no way out if he continued this way. He needed a way out now, or he was going to end up with a future he did not want.

"Excuse me," Feather Wings murmured before taking off away from Copper Rock, not ready to go back to the pack and face his future.

Wolves of the Falling Stars Book 3: The Fall of the PackWhere stories live. Discover now