Part one-growing up

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"Amelia,Christian dinner." my mom would used to shout to me as myself and Chris would play happy family's in my back garden.

I had known Chris and his family as long as I can remember,I'm pretty sure our parents were friends before either of us were even born! We had always been really good friends as we were the same age, I was just over a month older than him.

Our childhood was awesome,we would have play dates every day,go to each others houses for dinner at least once a week and as we got older we only got closer.

I remember we were about 13 when we started developing feelings for eachother,long story short we got together and here we are 5 years later still together and going strong.

We were what they call childhood sweethearts,but childhood wasn't all good for me,i lost my mother when I was 7,I lost my rock and I still grieved over her nearly 11 years on. When she passed I didn't want to be on this earth without her. I had bad thoughts at that time running throughout my head,i just wanted to end it all. I went to a councillor and as a suicidal 7 year old it was hard,I didn't fully understand the concept of taking your own life but in my eyes I would be with my mom again. I remember that I didn't know what to say,what to do,anything really. I just wanted my mom back. I realised that wasn't going to happen and so I got closer to my dad,he filled part of the hole in my heart that my mothers death created. He along with chris became my soul reason to live.

If I didn't have my dad I don't know what I would do,i wouldn't beable to cope.

*phone rings*

"Is this miss smith?" A strange voice asked me.

"Yes?" I replied.

"It's your father." the unfamiliar voice told me. "You might want to get to the hospital,fast."

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