Just Another Work Day

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Rachel's POV

When I got to work, I immediately went straight back to my office. Yesterday, the secretary of our private practice told me that I was completely booked today. Normally, my days aren't like that. On the big monitor, I pulled up all of the files of each patient. Man, there were a lot. My boss, Dr. Stevens, who started this private office, came in and went over the daily plan to all of the staff. I wiped down the chair and got ready for my first patient. The office was already booming by the time I got to the front. I grabbed the file and read the name. 

"Shawn Mendes?"

The practice that I worked at normally had celebrities come in due to the fact that it's a private office located in the middle of L.A. It's just a matter of acting professional in front of everyone, even if you are a huge fan. I wouldn't say I'm a fangirl or anything because I'm too old for that but I will admit that I recently bought all of his music. I don't know what it is about Shawn but I guess you could say I'm a fan. 

A tall man with fluffy brown hair walked up to my side. 

"Okay Mr. Mendes, please follow me."

I waked him back to my exam room reminding myself to stay professional. He didn't hesitate to sit in the chair and even turned to see what I was doing.

"So I see you past are due for your six month cleaning."

"Oh yeah, I've just been really busy."

"Oh that's fine. Might as well get started." I put a paper bib around his neck, clipping it on the side. My tray of tools was neatly organized and I took the last two gloves out of the box. While I was setting up, I noticed Shawn looking at me and watching what I was doing. 

"Are you nervous?" I asked him.

"No, no! I just think it is cool, what you're doing and all."

"Thats good and thank you! I've only been out of dental school for about a year and I like to see patients interested in my job, or at least the aspects of it. Not many people actually appreciate my career choice."

"Yeah I guess that's true."

By this point I was leaning him back. He shifted in the seat while I focused the light right above his mouth. I rolled my chair right underneath his head and put on my mask. I was about to start when all of a sudden, the music overhead started playing one of Shawn's songs. 

"Wow you are popular all over the spectrum!" I said trying to make the mood a little lighter. He laughed and looked at me straight in the eyes. 

"Open please."

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