Percy's dam pen has a charm

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Following Chiron's instructions, come the 1st September, the demigods headed to kings cross station to make their way to Hogwarts.

"Remember, he said to run through the wall between platform 9 and 10 and we should make it as long as we are not late." Annabeth said as the group approached the platforms in question. "Ok, who's going first?"

When no one went to move, Annabeth just sighed and ran through the platform herself. The other side was amazing, the bright red steam engine, the Hogwarts express, stood proudly on the tracks as the family's of the returning and new students gathered in bunches around the platform.

Thalia was the next through and the rest followed suit and emerged on the other side to just stand agape at the impressive vastness of Hogwarts equivalent of a school bus.

"No way is this real, somebody pinch me! Ow, Connor, I didn't mean literally!" exclaimed Travis as he was the last to appear.

When they'd all gotten over the initial shock, the group headed inside the train to find an empty compartment.

"Not all of us will fit in one compartment, but there is two near each other and this one only has 4 people in." so with that the group split into two, Percy, Annabeth, Thalia and Grover in the compartment with the wizard, and the others in the empty one.

The group sharing with the wizards entered before realising, "hey, aren't you guys the ones from the shop?"

The wizard with the curly brown hair looked up, "oh yeah, you guys are the Americans right?"

It was Grover who replied "yeah that's us, the rest of them are in the carriage next door, can we squeeze in here with you?" the boy with the black hair, Harry, nodded his head and the four Americans walked into the compartment and took their seats opposite the wizards.

The silence in the room was awkward to say the least, and Percy with his ADHD decided that it was the perfect time to be fiddling with his pen.

"Seaweed brain put your pen away!" Annabeth said.

"But Annie I'm bored!" Percy replied

"Don't call me Annie!" she exclaimed before tackling him and taking the pen off of him. Thalia and Grover just looked on at the scene with an amused expression whilst the brits were bewildered as to what was happening around them.

"You do know it will come back to my pocket because of that umm, charm right?" Percy said

"Yeah I just was waiting to see your reaction if I put my cap on and..." She started to smirk.

"And what wise girl?" he said slightly agitated.

The four from camp blood were unable to contain their laughter after that. The others just sat their questioning how the rest of the year would go if this is how they act on the first day.

Most of the rest of the journey happened with comfortable conversation being struck up between both groups, until Ginny ended an anecdote with "and then, my damn brother decided to chuck a gnome at me!"

Thalia, Grover and Percy made eye contact with each other and just started laughing. "That dam gnome!" Grover managed to get through the laughter.

Hermione turned to Annabeth who was looking annoyed rather than amused "why are they laughing so much, no offence Ginny, it wasn't the kind of story that needs that much laughter?"

"No one knows, they do this whenever someone says the word 'damn', I think it's from a trip they went on together at some point." The blonde replied

"Oh, so it's an inside joke?" Annabeth nodded, "That makes sense!"

Once the laughing trio had calmed down, the group just talked and joked around until this beautiful castle comes in to view so, naturally, Annabeth starts babble on and on about the architecture while no one actually listens. The wizards tell the new students that they should change into our robes so off the groups went to get their robes and to inform the other demigods to get changed.

The train comes to a stop not long after. The demigods were told that once they'd arrived at the Hogsmead station, they would be traveling by boat to the castle with the first years, so they made their way over to the looming figure, whom harry informed the group was the castles games keeper called Hagrid, and stopped by the man.

"Ahh you must be the exchange students that have come for this year" he said in his weird accent

"That's us! We are going across the lake right?" said Percy as he smirked at the other big three children.

"That's right, now if you'd all follow me to the lake we can get you over as quick as possible." replied Hagrid.

Eventually the groups were loaded onto the boats with Nico, Hazel, Thalia, Leo and Jason in one, Percy, Annabeth, Grover and Piper in the next and then Travis, Connor, Clarisse and Frank in the final one.

Percy decided that the first boat needed some waves so created a lot of disturbance near where they were, the groups managed to get across the lake mostly dry with only a few people being splashed by a power happy Percy.


Hey guys this is the hogwarts express chapter the next one wil be the sorting yay! please comment, vote and follow for more fangirling then you could ever want

Luv ya


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