Chapter 4

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'So you got your butt handed to you last night huh?' 'Can we not talk about this Bobby?' 'Well we "could" but "am" I going to?' Ray groaned in response, all morning they never let him stop hearing about it. The defeat at the hands of the new guy!

Per however still wasn't so sure about this field missions. He could fight that much was clear. But actual missions? He just barely had time to get settled in!

But first things first...finding Mystique..

He walked trough the corridors of Bayville high again, keeping a close eye on his detector. So far it only showed the time, main part of its disguise as a watch. But as he walked past the lockers he though he felt a vibration. But looking down at it showed nothing, everything was normal.

Must have been his imagination..


'Are you sure this is such a good idea?' 'You saw his skills first hand McCoy. He's ready. Especially after his battle against Wanda.' 'Do you mean that Xavier? Or are you afraid of Wanda eventually coming after the institute?'

'I'm not gonna lie. The thought has crossed my mind. But i mean when I say that he's ready. Or almost ready... its just a matter of learning teamwork and he's getting that quickly as well.' 'Well I still say its to early. He's still new here. New to the institute, new to this country, new to being a mutant.'

'And someone who handles all of it extraordinarily well. We wont give him a mission still for at least a month, he still has to pass his field training. On that you can count on.'


Trough the day his watch kept vibrating for very short instances. Short enough that whenever he looked down at it, it was already back to normal. Was this thing bugged? Per got his answer when the vibrating lasted longer. It wasn't hard, just very soft ones with breaks in between so no one else but him would notice. It now showed a red dot! Along the edge to the upper right!

When he turned all he saw was tables with students. Nervousness washed over him like a tsunami, almost making him panic! 'Professor! We got an emergency!' he reached out via his thoughts. 'Per, whats going on?' 'Its Mystique. The detector saw her. She's at school! She's masking as a student but I can't tell which one!' 'She's moving in closer. Keep your eyes open and stay close to the others. Try not to get alone.' 'Got it.' For the rest of the day Per remained heavily on edge. Mystique...spying on him at school. He sort of expected it but confirming it still made him uneasy..

'Hey Per. Ready to go?' Jean suddenly approaching him made him jump a little. 'Ya! Sure..' as they drove back Jean was obviously concerned. 'Are you sure you're ok Per?' 'Ya dude you're so tense!' Kurt then said having teleported into the backseat. 'Well you try to act normal when you know a super villain is hiding in school, with the power to be anybody, just waiting for the right chance to strike.'

'Look its scary but we can handle it! She still has no idea about the detector and that gives us the advantage.'

'But how much of one?'

After that day it became harder to focus to on school and training. He spent every minute looking at that watch and over his shoulder. It reacted every single day, furthering confirming that Mystique was still somewhere in school, most likely plotting against him.

But no matter how much he looked he still had no way to tell who it was. He often walked pasted her in the corridors or at lunch but whenever he looked in that direction all he saw were other students, a bunch of them! It was like it detected a ghost. A invisible ghost stalking his every move..


'And that's why Scotland and England shares government.' 'UK is more complicated than I imagined.' Risty stopped in front of the manor.

X-men evolution: GlowOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora