Chapter 7

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'Ok so in the middle of the battle you got yet another glow?' Ororo asked in the danger room.

'Well ya, I don't know what it does or how I just got it. Maybe its something to do with this weird staff thing?'

'Be careful with that. We're experts on mutants but mystical powers are more dangerous and unpredictable.'

'Ok Per we're set up, whenever you're ready.' Charles voice came from the speakers. Wolverine, Beast, Cyclops, Jean and Storm all stood ready along the walls in case something went wrong.

Per took a deep breath and raised his staff, pointing it forward.

Purple started glowing around him and moving almost like soft flames over his arm, circling around the staff. It fired out a bolt that stopped in the middle of the room. The glow just stayed there in egg shape, floating above the ground. 'Ok....What now?' Per carefully approached it, feeling something strange from it. 'The scanners are unable to make sense of this thing. Perhaps we should try and investigate it using the tools available?' Wolverine nodded at the professor from the ground and picked up a long metal stick with a camera attached to the end. Slowly he inserted it into the energy and took it out after a few seconds. 'The footage makes little sense..wait! Logan try it again and keep it longer.'

He did so and Charles fascinatingly stared at the screen.

'I can...just barely make out the danger room trough all this confusing footage. But that cannot be..'

Per wondered why till he realized how he got it. By closing a if he then...

Everyone jumped when another egg shaped sphere of the purple energy appeared by the doors. 'What?..' Logan inserted it again and the camera now appeared trough the other one.

'Portals...I can actually make portals now!'

'But how far? Try opening one at school! We're off today anyway.' Per did and indeed the next camera footage was that of the school hallway.

'I wonder how far I can go with these..'

He focused again on the lake where his parents vanished and indeed it worked!

'This is fascinating...You can travel anywhere in the world instantly now.'

'So does that mean we're all getting free rides to school now?' Scott jokingly asked.

'Wouldn't the others get suspicious when they suddenly see you stop taking the car?' '...Good point..'

'Ok Per I want you to teleport to Sweden and then back again so we can have a bit more data.'

Per then opened a portal to Emma's house and stepped inside. A few seconds later he stepped out of it completely unharmed. 'Well...This rules!' 'Its a useful power to be sure but advice caution. Teleportation can easily go wrong and we don't want you to go straight inside a wall or a person. Maybe we should have Nightcrawler give you a few pointers.' Ororo wondered.

'I'll call him down now.'


After weeks of preparation they were finally ready, soon the master would walk this earth and these pathetic humans would bow down to the true ruler of the universe. All they had to do was to charge up the beacon and the portal would open. The giant metal pillar hummed loudly with the energies coursing trough it, its sides glowing aquatic blue as it reach for the night sky above them.

'Two days.' The engineers told him in his expected robotic voice.



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