Chapter 9

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The alarm sounded off across the entire city, people ran for cover in panic, even abandoning their cars amidst traffic as the shadows of the moving alien ships moved across the red, dusk sky. Amongst the hundreds of thousands of smaller fighter ships a massive command ship flew in the middle, even more flying aliens leaped out of it, flying across the sky towards the city ground and rooftops. The League all teleported to the ground, ready for battle. The brotherhood looked on in shock as this all happened before them.

'What the hell is this??' Lance asked as they stared at it.

'Well....anyone ready to get out of here?' 'And go where?? we wont even make it out in time for them to destroy this whole place!' Then a red lighting like energy appeared in the air in front of the command ship. From it appeared the giant gray alien from the before, his voice echoed over the city as he laid out his threat.

'Humans of planet earth, your final hours has come. Soon you will either die or serve me for I am the conqueror of a thousand worlds, destroyer of over a billion races. I am war, I am death, I am power incarnate. I am Darkseid.'

Toad jumped behind Blob in fear. 'Guys! I am scared!' 'Ya I'm with Toad on this one!..' Even the immovable Blob looked pale as they stared on the giant. 'Wanda..what do we do now?' 'I...don't know..' Countless explosions and fire spread across the city in a matter of minutes as the League and new allies raced to fight winged, armored aliens shooting blue lasers out of their halberd shaped weapons.

'Anyone know this guy??' 'Darkseid, a ancient alien overlord who wants to destroy Earth.' 'Ah...good..'

Superman flew towards him, punching several alien along the way. 'You just can't leave us well enough alone can't you?'

'Kal-El...Still the heroic protector of a doomed species I see.'

They fired their eye beams at each other, sparks flew everywhere as they clashed. Darkseid's proved stronger as the middle moved towards Superman even when using his full strength at it.

He flew at super speed to avoid narrowly but the beam moved after. Superman lured it to hit one of his own ships, the explosion from the ships energy core was enough to put more distance between them. He grabbed another flying fighter, punched the behind to knock out the motors and threw it at Darkseid. The alien however reduced it to scrap with one punch, barely any effort put into it. Superman punched him in the face, even using superspeed to strengthen it however it merely staggered the alien who counterattacked, kneeing and headbutting him quickly. Then laying in a massive punch that sent out a shockwave around them, knocking Superman trough several buildings. 'You never could defeat me single handedly Kal-El. What makes you think this time will be any different?'

Several exploding shells hit on from the side. None even scratched him and he merely turned his head to see six human tanks firing at him. He casually floated above one and let himself fall. The tank underneath shattered completely, the shockwave was powerful enough even slightly move the heavy tanks. Another form of shockwave then flew out of him, sending the two tanks next to him flying off, over the final two. Darkseid then moved to one, lifted it with one arm and threw it at the final one, both exploding. Six US army tanks defeated like they were nothing..

The Brotherhood were surrounded by the aliens, fighting for their lives as fire, lasers and shards of concrete, steel and everything solid flew in the air all around them.

Blob screamed as he charged the alien ranks, going trough them like a bulldozer trough weakened tree trunks and straight into the leg of the large alien robot walking on six legs and having a laser canon attached to its snake like head. The leg broke off and it crashed onto the ground. Blob then ripped off the cannon and held it above his head as it started to fire at random, now aimed at its allies flying above them.

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