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Lately rehearsals for Jimin have been stressful, Hoseok was going really hard on the trainees and assigning each a special type of diet and training them double the usual hours, sometimes keeping one or two for extra time. Of course, it was mostly training for their debut which was going to happen really soon, but the raven-haired couldn't help but feel like Hoseok was giving him the worst. Jimin spent countless hours of training, learning the dance moves by heart and spending long hours perfecting his vocals yet Hoseok always found something faulty which damaged Jimin's self esteem. It's not that the male couldn't handle criticism but whatever he did wasn't good enough and he felt like giving up. For godsake even Yoongi stopped texting him for whatever reason, and when he asked Chun-Hei why she only replied with a shrug.

Jimin was making his way to a small coffee shop where Jungkook, Hyun-Jae, Chun-Hei and him decided to meet up before practice since Hoseok warned them before hand to have a strong breakfast since that day's practice was going to be specially harsh. When Jimin arrived he was greeted by the welcoming scent of coffee and burnt cinnamon sticks, giving the small cafe a nice homely vibe. It wasn't that crowded and the raven-haired spotted his friends instantly, giving them a small wave which they gave back. 

"Hi Jiminie! How has your morning been?" asked Jungkook, who the last few days had been absent from the dorm due to visiting his parents in Busan. 

"I've been fine Kookie, how was Busan?" wondered Jimin, as he squeezed himself beside Jungkook and Hyun-Jae. 

"Oh it was wonderful, I really missed being at home y'know? Though my parents wouldn't stop droning on about how much they wanted to meet you guys," answered the younger male, smiling slightly as his eyes got shiny thinking about his amazing parents and hometown. 

"Hah, you've sure been lucky Kook, Hoseok has been going specially hard on us and I'm worried for you since you missed out. He'll most probably make you stay an extra two hours or something," sighed Hyun-Jae, while Chun-Hei just hummed in agreement while twirling her hair around her fingers.

"Anyway, we don't need to scare Kookie, let's just order before our time runs out," remarked the raven-haired as he patted the younger's head. 

"Ah, yeah what are you guys having?" asked the eldest girl, as she finally stopped playing with her loose strands. 

"Iced coffee, caramel flavour and a breakfast waffle," Hyun-Jae answered, smiling.

"A mocha with pancakes, what about you chim?" 

"Just a iced juniper latte would be great," replied the younger warmly. Chun-Hei nodded before leaving  their table and heading towards the cashier and ordering the food, while the rest of the group just enjoyed the warm cosy atmosphere. 


Yoongi had enough of everything. He had enough of Hoseok forcing himself on Yoongi, tired of Hoseok controlling everything and he was damn tired of lying to everyone he knew, family, friends and even fans. When he signed up on being an idol he knew he had hardships and that he wasn't allowed to do everything but he never once thought he would be forced to date someone he had no interest in whatsoever, having to act in love and happy all the goddamn time when truthfully he just wanted to throw up.

So that's why he was going to end it.

He scrambled out of his studio, taking a few deep breaths before knocking on the wooden door which separated the hallway and the dance studio. He heard the shuffling of feet quieten and soon coming to an end, before the door swung open revealing a sweaty Hoseok.

"H-Hey...I'm sorry to intrude since I know practice is a necessity, but I really need to speak to you alone Hoseok," stuttered the raven-haired, playing with his earlobe while the male opposite him nodded and told the trainees to continue practising, before following Yoongi towards his studio. The latter's studio was most probably the most comfortable one in BigHit, since it was spacious and yet full in a homey-type of vibe. 

"Okay Yoongz, what did you want to talk about?" asked the dancer, pouting slightly as he sat down on a black chair.

"So..I'm breaking up with you. I've had enough of pretending that I'm in love, pretending that I already found a soulmate and shit. I want to live my life, experience things how they should be. I don't care if BigHit won't let me date, as long as I don't get to date you, not because that I don't like you, it's just you were never my type okay?"  spluttered Yoongi, his face red from the effort and his eyes glassy. The dancer looked bewildered, his mouth wide open and his eyes open as if waiting for the rapper to take it all back. 

"W-what? No no no! You love me, this is all because of that Jimin right? Did he tell you anything? Did he, he did! What did he say?? What ever did he is a liar, you're mine okay? Mine!!" Hoseok practically screamed, leaping from his chair and shaking Yoongi from the shoulders, his eyes red with anger. 

"He said nothing, this is all me." 

The dancer just stared at then his frown, turned into a grin, "Okay, fine it's fine. I hope you find the person you've been looking for. I'll go tell Hitman Bang about this alright?"  The elder nodded dumbfounded as Hoseok waltzed out of the room, not before he hugged Yoongi as a way of showing goodbye. 

 Oh, and not before stealing his phone of course.

Hiya! It's Corinne and I hope you enjoyed the chapter, just a small disclaimer, I love Hoseok and this should noway be taken seriously. I don't mean any harm to Hoseok or any of his fans, after all he is my bias wrecker.

Anyway enjoy your day xx

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2019 ⏰

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