Chapter 4: At The Guild

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Hiya!!! I just wanted to say hi....I've got nothing to all of your randomness down there⬇️





Natsu's P.O.V

I remembered it. I remembered it all like it was yesterday. Meeting Lucy. I am currently 13 and I met Lucy three years ago. The day after I met her I got taken in by a guild called Fairy Tail, nurtured like one of their own kids. Many of were there. I waited for years so we could meet again. Searched her up on internet, asked every blonde with bows, I became obsessed with finding her. But soon I met a girl called Lisanna. She was in the guild and we hung out a lot. After I met her I forgot all about Lucy like she didn't even cease to exist.

"Natsu what is that?" Lisanna asked

"I don't know it looks like an egg. I was standing right there and all of a sudden it hit me on the head." I said pointing at a tree

"Natsu!! I hit your head? Did it crack?" she asked grabbing the egg

"No, are you going to ask about me??" I screamed

"There there." She said cooing the egg

"Gggrrrmmmmmm.." I growled

"Natsu lets make a house for the egg." she asked grabbing my hand

"Sure." I replied

Next we started grabbing twigs and grass and started to put them together. Two hours later, we made a house for the egg but it also could fit us inside.

"Lisanna isn't it late? Shouldn't we go home?" I asked her

"Yeah bye Natsu." she said pecking my cheek

"B-bye." I stammered

I felt my cheeks sting. Not like Rogue and Sting but they stung a bright red that put Erza's hair to shame. I slowly walked back not to the guild, but to Guildarts house. I was shocked because she kissed me so I needed some man to man talk. After an hour of walking I had finally reached his house.

"Guildarts!" I yelled opening his window

"Yup?" he asked turning around not realizing I was on his window

He had a sandwich hanging out of his mouth and he was slowly digging in a drawer while staring at me. He had gulped the sandwich in one bite.

"Uhh yeah? what is it buddy?" he asked me

"I need ta talk." I commanded

" 'Bout what? You got a new girlfriend?" He questioned sitting in the chair

"Na...wellll....Lisanna kissed me." I told him

He ran into the kitchen, grabbed a glass of water, came back and sat down. Once he sat down he drank the water and did a spit take.

"No way!! Natsu!! Was it lips or cheek or forehead or..WHAT!?!" he questioned jumping in his chair

"Errr...cheek." I answered

"Oh." he said sitting back down "Thats just a friendly one like a 'Thank you best friend' one."

"Hehehe." I fake laughed

"Sorry buddy but Im afraid you will have to wait." Guildarts joked

"No, Wait until you come back from your next mission I promise you I will get a girlfriend! I will! And I will prove it." I shouted raising my fist

"Fine here is my favorite wristband, Give it back to me when you accomplish your goal." He said handing it to me

"Ok, I will." I said putting the wristband on

"I have to go look for a S-class mission now, bye Natsu." Guildarts said before walking out of the house

"Bye Guildarts." I waved

I don't know what that was..a short? Anyways, i have soo many readers who don't comment and I'm here just waiting to be spammed😢 so can you guys comment some of your favorite animes? I would like suggestions on what my readers like (if any are there)

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