Chapter 5: Dreaming about her

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I want to give a shoutout and dedicate this to @pjoandhoofeels they made my day and they got quiz right on chapter two the servants are from black butler! Also @susysusey14 got it right.

Natsu's P.O.V

"Are you really leaving? This mission can take many years!" I questiond Guildarts

He had chosen a S-class mission to go to a village and defeat a dragon. A dragon! I wonder if Igneel would show up.

"Yes it has good pay and I need it, also they requested me." he said

"Let me go. Igneel or Uncle Flame might show up." I demanded

"No, one its a S-class mission two it's too dangerous and three I guarantee they wont be there." Guildarts said hugging me "I will tell you if I see them though."

"Ok, bye." I blushed

Soon Guildarts walked out of the guild and huge walls popped up trailing him across town.

"Take care Natsu." he waved

I watched him finally disappear from a distance. Lisanna suddenly showed up next to me.

"Hey, its ok. do you want to play with the egg again?" she asked smiling

"Yeah." was all I could get out

After that I was quiet, no one knew how I felt. Guildarts was like a father to me. He took care of me after I joined the guild.

Cana's P.O.V

No one knows but me and mama. Guildarts is my real father and he doesn't know it. I wonder if I will ever tell him. I slowly hide in the bushes and watch him walk away from me. I am lonely, I know no one and all I do all day is sit at an empty table and teach myself to play cards using magic. I watch daddy all day, flirt with other women like that one time a bunny-girl came in the guild. She was pretty but daddy was flirting. Even though I was playing with Levy I still watched him.

Natsu's P.O.V

Lisanna and I went inside to play with the egg and when we were, it hatched! I thought it was a dragon but it was a cat. Oh well it's still mine. Everybody was happy when he hatched so I named him happy. He is a blue cat that has wings and flies around the guild. I decided to keep Happy with me since I found him and let him visit Lisanna once in a while. After the huge daily guild party I took Happy home and showed him around town. Yes I live with Guildarts and it's kinda weird being without him. I made a small bed out of blankets for Happy and we both went to sleep.

"Natsu." a small blonde said "are you coming back? you said in tens years at our secret base! Time is almost up. I miss you badly and papa still abuses me."

"I love you Lucy, and I will come back I promise. Please leave with me!?" I cried

"Natsu." I heard a different voice say "Natsu wake up. Are you ok?"

Suddenly the ground was shaking.

"Bye Lucy." I cried

All of a sudden I opened my eyes slowly.

"How long has he been saying I love Lucy?" Lisanna asked Happy

"All night." Happy said

"Whats going on?" I asked

"You were talking in your sleep saying I love Lucy." she said pulling me up

"Oh. Silly me I must have watched too much t.v again. Guildarts always makes me watch the show called I Love Lucy. Old guy show." I shook my head

"For a moment I thought it was another girl." she sighed

"Oh." was all I said

I pushed her off my chest and walked out of the room. I took a shower and walked to the guild.

"Morning everyone!" I shouted

"Itadakimashita appu flame brain." Gray said

(Itadakimashita appu: whats up.)

"What did you call me?" I said holding my fist up

"Ya heard me!" Gray said coming at me

"Dude i'm not in the mood so just chill out." I said putting my fist away

"Woah! Natsu turned down a fight with Gray!" People murmured

I sat down in the corner of the guild and turned my head so no one saw me cry. How could I abandon her? I was abandoned and I know it feels horrible. I have to go back and get her. I walked to the masters office and stood there for a few seconds. Then I knocked.

"Come in." master said

"Can I talk to you?" I asked him opening the door

"Sure what is wrong?" he asked motioning me to a chair

"Before I came here, I stayed with a girl named Lucy. She was abused but she made me leave before I got in trouble. I told her I would meet her in ten years but last night I had a dream and she was calling to me, For help. What should I do? I want to go find her but I don't know." I cried

"She sounds like a close friend. If I were you I would find her, make sure she isn't hurt and bring her to the guild. If you do bring her I would have her live in Fairy Hills. Understand?" He said

"Yes but I have to make my move fast." I said

"Go to her my boy." he said rubbing my head

I cried and then left his office.

"I will find her!" I shouted before running out of the guild

There you have it! So much determination! How do you people come across my book? Is it from following me? My comments? Recommended? Or searching up Fairy Tail?

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