School is Fun Until You Have to Leave

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America's p.o.v.

School was fun today. I talked to my friends and made good grades on any tests the teachers threw at us. One less reason to make my father upset, he's so grumpy. I hummed a song as I walked home, why not? I could hear the band playing fourth hour, they are pretty loud.
I looked around, and I saw Russia. Maybe I'll try to talk to him again, maybe he was just grumpy since it was early. I walk up to him, and wave. "Hey, Russia."
He wiped his eyes and pulls his ushanka up, " Why are you here?" he gave a little smile that was obviously forced.
Was he crying? "This is the way to my house." I chuckle, he really seemed to consider that.
"Same here. But why are you here. Next to me."
"You seemed lonely. And also excessively sad. " I don't know why I added that last part, but it did catch his attention.
"I forgot to do something this morning." He whispered , it was so quiet I had to strain my ears to hear.
"If you don't mind me prying, what did you forget?" Really though, I was genuinely curious . I was almost home and if he doesn't answer I might not be able to sleep.
"I forgot to take something." UGH. Dude just answer the question.
"What did you forget to take? A book?" I was almost home, I just wanted to know. He laughed once, and looked at me.
"You wouldn't understand." And with that, he sped up and was gone. Great, I'm probably going to be laying awake all night.
I stepped into my porch and grabbed the door handle, slowly twisting it. Why slowly? I just felt like it.

Russia's p.o.v.

That interaction with America was strange. I was just enjoying the nice day after being called some names, and then he's next me asking all these questions. Good thing he didn't notice me reliving the water ducts in my eyes. Also, why is he talking to me all of a sudden?
Other than that, I was home. Yay. Dad is going to be upset I didn't do anything in my classes except band. Band was the only class I enjoyed thoroughly. Unless he didn't find out. Nothing ever is tought in school anyways. Not like I missed out on a lesson.
I strolled to my room, all I wanted to do was relax and attempt to get some sleep. Dropping all my stuff down, I sighed. I was so tired. I didn't think I could make it to my bed, so I made myself comfortable on the floor.
The cold ground was very comfortable. Sleep just was beyond me at this moment.
My phone went off. Right when I just started to close my eyes. It was from dad. I slammed my phone down, screen first, and sighed. Just let me sleep. This is why I hate leaving school, I have to deal with at home stuff.
I woke up to my phone buzzing constantly, so I figured I would answer it.

America's p.o.v.

I couldn't sleep. As figured. So I asked a friend who had Belurus' number, to ask her to give them Russia's number. It's like 1 in the morning, so I doubt he will answer but it's worth a try.

>Is this Russia?
>Is this russia? This is America btw.

Yes, this is russia<

>oh ok. Well I was still wondering what you forgot to take.

He didn't answer after that, at least for a long time. Though I woke up to a message from him saying, Pills. Pills? Why would he need pills? Oh wait, I'm a dingus. If it's the reason I'm thinking of it explains a lot, and also it's super upsetting.
I got up and stretched. I felt today would be a really good day. I quickly grabbed new clothes and showered. I was quickly out the door, Canada was going to be left behind again.
I kinda wanted to say hi to Russia, I always liked having as many friends as possible. Where is he? I checked the time, it was kinda early. So I waited for him to show up.
After a few minutes he was walking down the sidewalk, his head low and he was on his phone. I moved so I was walking next to him and he glanced over.
"Don't tell anyone." He looked back at his phone, flustered.
"About what? Do you like me?" I chuckled and he sighed while shaking his head.
"About what I told you." He said, putting his phone away.

~•°.*authors note*.°•~

794 words
Not that many
And this chapter is really bad, more of like a filler chapter


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