Sad Boy With A Guitar

731 26 16

Americas POV

     I wake up to a sweet aroma filling the air. Along with my phone's alarm screaming for me to wake up. I push the covers off of me and look around, being slightly confused about my whereabouts.
     "Your phone has been going off for and hour." Russia states. He was leaning on his doorway, a spatula in his left hand. He seemed happier than he was the last time I was conscious. Russia even had a small smile as I wiped sleep from my half closed eyes.
     "Heh. Sorry, I'm a reallyyyy heavy sleeper. What smells so good?" I ask and stand up, adjusting my pajamas and looking around. I go and grab my phone and check the time, before turning back to Russia. To see that he left, he probably went back to what I assume was cooking.
     I stumble out to the kitchen, the smell only got stronger. Once I had a better grasp on reality, my brain registered it as blueberries.
     "I never figured you could actually cook!" I smile, exited to eat something that isn't sugar with extra steps.
     "My dad is going to be home in 4 hours. After breakfast you should go home. And yes, I can cook." He mumbles, lazily flipping one of the fruity flapjacks. I get a better look at him, he was already dressed, unlike my attire. He seemed to be happier, the bags under his eyes were darker though.
     I space out for who knows how long, snapping back into it when a plate is slid in front of me. It looked so good. Syrup was generously drizzled on top along with soft butter starting to melt from the warm surface.
     "This looks amazing." I grab a fork and start shovelling the warm confection into my mouth. It tasted even better than it looked. I look up at Russia when I finish, he didn't have anything and was on his phone.
     "Are you going to eat? These are so good!" I stand up and rinse the syrup and residue off my plate, so it will be easier for the next person to clean. He shook his head, still doing god knows what on his device.
     "I tend to skip breakfast." He gets up and goes to his room. I followed him like a lost dog, passing Ukraine and Belarus watching tv together. They seemed to enjoy the show they were watching. Belarus was knocked out and Ukraine was on the edge of their seat, mumbling something about gemstones.
     I sit on my mess of blankets and watch Russia pull out his guitar, a blank expression on his tired face. "What's your opinion on School?" He started to gently play music, waiting for a response.
     "It could be better, but it isn't the worst. Like more flexible hours, little to no homework, and maybe better policies? I could go on a rant about it, but I'm going to keep quiet." I catch myself before I start spewling the equivalent to a five page infograph. Russia weakly smiles, he seemed fixated on the sounds coming from the strings below him.
     "I have nothing to lose, so please. Complain to your hearts content." The music changed into something you'd hear in a relaxation or study radio.
     I started to go on a rant and before I knew it, I was pacing around and really getting into it. School was a very controversial topic to say the least. Russia occasionally butted in with his own opinion, but my brain was really whirling.
     "Ok, enough of this. You've went on for an hour about one word." Russia waves his hand in dismissal, while putting his guitar back up. "You did bring up good points though. You just need to execute them."

Thats all i can write right now
Ive been struggling a lot lately with not ending myself (gotta keep it pg for them kiddos) so sorry it took so long

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