School Pt.2

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He still had his hand on you waist as RM suddenly started sprinting your way and yelled something to Jimin in Korean. Jimin looked back behind the both of you but it was to late. There was a school shooting and you got shot. You got shot in the back so it didn't kill you and an ambulance arrived but not soon enough, because you still lost a lot of blood. You passed out from shock and Jimin carried you out of the building. The ambulance took you Jimin and RM to the hospital the others drove there. You woke up in no pain because you were numbed. But you did see all seven of the boys standing there. But Jimin was crying.


It's been three months since you met the boys and you've finally learned Korean and can now talk to the boys normally. You are all going out to eat tonight but RM told you to where something nice. So you find a really pretty black dress and black heels. They boys arrive at your house and you get in the limo. You say
"Why such a fancy car?"
As you get in. Once you sit down you realize everyone is in sweatpants and hoodies except Suga. You ask everyone why they aren't dressed up. (In the three months since the shooting RM taught you Korean) RM just laughs and doesn't say anything. You realize the limo has not moved. Just then a van pulls up beside you and everyone gets out besides Suga. You realize then that your going on a date with Suga. RM says
"Good luck."
And winks. Suga looks at you and smiles, he says
"Where do you want to go?"
To be continued....

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