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Jimin pulled out of the kiss and looked at you. You had never kissed anyone and he knew that from a game of truth or dare you played a few months ago. He left one hand around your waist as you sat back to watch a movie. You fell asleep forgetting it was a Sunday. You woke up the next morning laying on Jimin and him massaging your head. You look up at him and he says "Good morning beautiful, we need to get to school soon."
You nod and he laughs and helps you off the couch. He gives you a pair of his sweats and one of his hoodies to wear. You gladly put them on and check your phone. You have about 50 missed calls from your mom so you decide to call her back. She immediately answers and you tell her you spent the night at a friend's house. She says ok and you hang up. You walk to school with the boys holding Jimin's hand. You walk into the school and notice how many people look at the boys when they walk in the school. But with you in Jimin's clothes everyone's attention is turned to you. You look at Jimin and he does something unexpected. He looks at everyone one and says "Yes I am dating Y/N and I will call her baby in public deal with it."
You look down in embarrassment. He just laughs and wraps his arm around your waist. All of your lockers are next to each other's but yours is right next to Jimin. He gets all his stuff and waits for you to get yours. He kisses your forehead as he walks off to his class. You smile as your best friend Jisoo walks up to and asks "What was that all about."
You explain everything to her starting with your date with Suga. She looks at you in aw as you tell the whole story. You walk to class and see RM and Jin in the back of the class. This is the first time you've seen them openly flirting in public. Or maybe you've just never seen it. But it's cute RM will move Jin's hair behind his ear or Jin will put his hand on RM's shoulder. You want to the back leaving Jisoo with her other friends. You start talking and the teacher walks in. Today is gonna be a good day.

Or so you though.......

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