Part two, thugs.

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Yeah. Uh. Part two. Yeah. So tonight I am complaining again. Woo, big surprise, y'know? Okay so the other day I saw something that made me scream and rip someone's throat out, through it into my soup and eat it. Not literally, unfortunately. It was a Harry Potter and Twilight crossover. But not only that... It was a harRY X EDWARD FAN FICTION. I could seriously only read two pages of it. Basically, Harry was Bella and Edward was just Edward. And they fell in love oh my gosh what. Well no, not love, more like lust if that makes sense. There's no such thing as TRUE love at first sight. But anyway it was just awful. Why would someone do that. Just why. I d o n o t u n d e r s t a n d. I also once found a Harry P X Harry styles fic but ain't nobody got time for dat right now. And I read this one last night about Bella being a Vampire Angel thing who wore NOTHING but black and Ed was mortal or something. It was pretty awful. I try to not read them if I can help it. But I always screenshot them and share them on DrawCast so my fellows can see them and the reactions are gold. //btw my drawcast account is @Bunny Rabbit// and I've seen quite a few fics where HERMIONE is involved. Because apparently she gets sent way east to some high school after the battle, totally ditching Harry and Ron, And befriending Bella and Edward. "oh yeah, I think I'll go to some RANDOM TOWN IN WASHINGTON to hang with these creeps." unfortunately I live in Washington. Not in forks, thank goodness. Who'd wanna live there after twilight? 🍴🍴🍴🍴forks, oh yeah, they're so cool, fun to stab creeps who watch me at night in the bloody eyes with. But seriously why would Hermione do that I thought she was smart.


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