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Haha sorry for lame titles and all that. But hey, I got 60 reads so far, that's nice.

There's an issue guys.

Everyone thinks the Harry Potter characters are ripped guys who work out. No. No the majority of them are not. Like, there's probably only 6 or so characters that are legitimately muscular. I don't even think six. I mean guys. How do you even get exercise at Hogwarts? Besides the stairs, ha.

So say there's some gross make out scene about to happen and a character (probably none other than Mr. Draco Malfoy) rips off their shirt and "ooMG!!1!✨✨THERE IS ABS OHHh MY GOODNESS THIS IS A MIRACLE. ABS AND MUSCLES. SOOOoooOO MANLY!!1 HE MUST HAVE A BENCH PRESS!!1!" Ha, yeah, like the guy's gunna have and of steel. Remember folks. Most characters are like Harry and are scrawny, specky gits. Forever. Yeah. So. Don't make a character have a super great body if the do not have a super great body.

In other words, please stay canon.


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