Another rant

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Okay sorry for that last rant being so out of the blue. I really hope that girl of subject doesn't have WP and did not read that. I'll have to ask.

So anyway.

One of the many things that bothers me is that the main character in fanfics is




E V E R Y T I M E.

Like people please please please make the main character in your next story a boy. I don't know, I just find boys a lot more interesting and less whiny than girls. Girls are just annoying in fan fics. And in real life as well. Also, my dear fellows, don't name them something really weird like I don't know, Alexionoiatona roxadolian suzzziony Mcparsibonka. Just don't. It sound so stupid.

But when some girls make dudes characters they mess up badly. Not all guys are super hunks. Not all girls are annoying brats. Stop making it that way.


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