Why I prefer Harry Potter

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As the chapter title says, this chapter is on how I prefer Harry potter over Twilight. Like 99% of the world.

1- They're in omnipresent. It just makes it better because when it's 1st person, it only describes what the main character sees in their low comprehension levels. But with Harry Potter, it's still through his PoV, but it describes things a teenage boy surely wouldn't describe. If Harry Potter were in first person, it Just wouldn't be as good. And twilight is just what dull, dumb Bella thinks.

2- there's not as much romance.

Okay, generally I don't like romance. Either that or I'm like,"GIVE ME THE ROMANCE PLEASE". And I especially don't like reading scenes that get too... Descriptive of what's going on. Like I don't wanna hear about how you made out and other things. And in HP, it's all fluff. Man, I love fluff, but it's such a rare thing these days... There ain't no "child making" in Harry potter because they are just teenagers with lives. But man, in Twilight, I don't know why all they do is be all romantic.

3-Harry potter is the gosh darn most emotional thing I've read in my life, like as emotional as Les Misérables.

Okay, I seriously cried in all of the books (I don't think 1 or 3 though) and Deathly Hallows absolutely killed me. JKR can show emotions so well and Bella can show them like a rock. I was in school when I read Fred's death, and the urge to not scream and cry and harm the person nearest to me was hard to fight. Then when I got home I reread it and let the floods go.I don't know why I remember this part so much, but when it was announced that Ginny was in the Chamber of Secrets, the way JKR described how all the Weasleys were feeling, and how Harry and everyone else were feeling. That part just made me really extremely sad. And when Percy is trying to get Fred to wake up but he doesn't, and when Harry goes to the great hall and sees all the dead and injured oh my gosh. Twilight just doesn't have that emotion.

4- it's taught me to become a better reader and author.

I've learned so, so much from the harry potter books. It's made me a lot better at reading at writing. This is what bugs me when people say it's for little kids. No, it's so deep and emotional a 10 year old will not understand too well. It's taught me to look deeper in reading and to pay attention to little details that don't seem important. Also, it seems to me that people who like twilight do not have very good English skills. They type like,"OMGZ!!! Hairry poter iz soooOOO lame like edward iz sooooo much hotel (hotter) omgz wand boI iz verry stupid". No joke. I've seen typing like that.


Why Harry Potter's Better Than Twilightحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن