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Harry, as a matter of fact, does NOT have a twin sister who falls in love with malfoy.

They do not have technology at hogwarts. Harry's not updating his wattpad account during charms, he's doing charms.

Hate to break it to you, but they didn't have 1D in the 90s. I read a FF where hermione is a huge 1D fan. What.

Voldemort does not love anyone. He cannot love, seeing how he was born under a love potion.

And those are just some things that bother me...

A thing that really bothers me is the word,"Smirk". Let me show you an example of how NOT to use the word smirk:

Justin smirked at me as I smirked back, because we were at a smirking convention. Gosh! His smirk is so adorable. I bet he smirks in his sleep, or when he murders important congress people. He's always smirking. I love it. Smirk sounds like smurf, a bit... Is he a smurf? No, smurfs can't smirk as well as Justin. Suddenly, his ultra soft, lush (ew, I hate that word too) lips crashed into mine! It didn't hurt at all though, because his smirk softened the blow. Also, my super soft lips were professional smirkers. Soon, his tongue was waltzing with mine as they fought for dominance. I think his tongue and teeth were probably smirking too, but I don't see out of my mouth, so I don't know. I smirked as he violently kissed me. He was like, eating my face but you know, that's alright, because he was smirking. Man, his breath was like, super good too! I think he might be a vampire/werewolf... Cause his smirk is like super hot... Like a vampire or werewolf... Then suddenly, he stopped smirking and I gasped, because he wasn't smirking. Then I smirked and saw the assassin behind him, smirking as Justin got shot and bled to death. He died smirking. I smirked as I buried his bleeding body.

Omg. That was just smirkalicious.

Yeah. Goodnight. And see you later.


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