Sorta Irrelivant

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So this lil rant is about this one girl who draws a bit like me.

So in one of my classes, there's this one chick who has a quite similar art style too me. This was kinda making me paranoid because I've been accused of having the same style as someone I barely knew before. So this girl's like,"Uh, your art looks a lot like mine..." And the thing is, I have no idea who this thug is. And I actually have various styles to avoid this but her's is like my main style. She kept on dropping hints on changing my style but I've been drawing like that for a while so I refused to pick them up. So you know what I did? I changed the style I mostly used in real life. But you know what she did? She started using that one. And she's still accusing me of "stealing her style".

Well the truth is, everyone's art style is pretty similar unless it's super abstract or whatever. We all draw eyed, nosed, and mouthed human beings for the most part and we all can color and shade. You see art in Manga and Anime and stuff and they're all different "styles" but they're still all the same in a way. You see what I mean? See, I draw longer faces, noses, hair, line art, clothes, shading, Ect.

Honestly, it's okay to have similar styles are someone. People need to see that. Okay I think I'll end this rant.


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