Real Vampires

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Oh hello. I shall be comparing twilight vampires to the real ones.

Real ones-

Die in the sun

Or getting stabbed in the heart with a wooden stake

They do not like garlic

The no not as a matter of fact, sparkle

They are very pale and have blood issues

They flippin' drink human blood

They may be able to turn into bats

They do not go to high school

They have fangs

They don't watch people sleep

They have pointy ears

They have black or red eyes

They have bite marks on their necks, usually

They wear black cloaks

They're immortal

I don't believe they can have baby making sessions, unless they do have blood, unlike Edward.

Twilight vampires-

Are pale (👍good)

Have no fangs (👎not good)

They are apparently super hot👎

No blood, still able to have sex 👎


they go to high school and pick up plain chicks👎

Do not shrivel and die in the sun 👎👎

Only other vampires can kill them👎👎

Clearly, real ones are a lot better. I used to find vampires very interesting but y'know, literature just HAD to go downhill.


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