Those Secret Texts

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HEllo my lovely little sugarplum demons. 

Yeah, I really suck at updating overall. I will be posting some shor fillers for now. Writers block sucks and so im sorry if this is bad. Oh and i love you're comments. So do keep commenting I love reading them all :)



Her voice rang out through the silent halls of the olden house. Percy looked up softly over the couch back to look at the woman he was unhappily married to, Annabeth. She gave him a sullen look and shook her head, 

"Typical." She muttered before saying, "I'm going out for the day."

Percy stared at her with a blank face, making her sigh angrily.

"Aren't you going to say anything?" 

She demanded, as she crossed her arms. Percy shrugged.

"Have fun?"

He asked, he didn't care and Annabeth could defiantly tell fro the way he was acting. This was usual in the Jackson household. Annabeth leaving daily to do gods know what while Percy would sit on the couch, glued to his hone like it was a child of his. But today seemed to put the cherry on top of an Annabeth bomb.

"Have Fun?" She yelled, "Have fun is all I get?!?! God dammit Percy! All I ever wanted from you is an I love you or a I miss you. But all I ever get is a god damn "Have fun.'" 

Percy stared at her with his blank eyes, watching as the tears rolled down her soft cheeks and fall onto her clothes.

"I-I I'm sorry Anabeth."

He whispered softly, looking the other way not watching her cry silently as she slammed the front door. He sighed softly, lifting his corner of the left side of his lip softly as he took out his blue Iphone and unlocked it. His soft side smile turned into a grin as the phone screen showed him the secret texts between him and his lover, Nico.

Nico: Hey Percy :)

Percy: Hey Nico, hows my favorite demigod ;)

Nico: Good, just missing you like hades.

Percy: Same, Annabeth is leaving in a bit. Why don't you come over. She's leaving for the weekend so we would be all alone. ;)

Nico: Oh god, yes!!!! I want to come now though

Percy: Sorry babe. Can't wait to see you


Percy: Nicccoooooooo

Nico: Percy, its 3 in the morning what do you want?

Percy: I'm lonely and Annabeth is being unbelievable

Nico: I don't see why you just don't leave her

Percy: And be killed by everyone I know. Sorry babe I cant.

Nico: Its okay... Night Percy

Percy: Night.


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