Chapter Five

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The night has come.

She stood up from the bed and went to the kitchen. She was about to get a cup when she saw herself in the mirror.

"Did I apply make-up?" She asked herself confusingly.

"Opps. Sorry Ysabel, I forgot to remove it but it fits you." I apologized.

She then changed her clothes and went to her work.


"You're late again?" A lady asked with disappointment.


"Your sorry doesn't change anything, Ysabel. Next time you'll come late, I will tell our boss about it so he will fire you. Hmmp!" She said angrily and left.

I'm sure she wasn't recovered yet about her boyfriend's situation. Poor Ysabel.

At that time, there were few customers who came and ordered.


The time was running and she went to sleep. I'm waiting for the hand to point at 12.


17 minutes left.

"Diane." A low voice said.

"Hi Scheduler."

"What are your plans for your second day?" He asked.

"Hmm, I'll just continue working."

"No plans about your fiancé?"

"I hav-" I cut.

"I know, it's obvious. Just be sure that he'll not notice who you really are. Act responsible and wisely." He informed me.


12 am. It's time.

I lay on her body and close my eyes...

"Scheduler, which of these is better?" showing him the two lip balms I bought yesterday.

"Just any."

"Pink or red?"



"Any of those Diane, don't ask me, I'm not a professional styler." He replied.

Hmmm. I'll choose pink for this time since it's cute.

Wait, Ysabel's face looks tired. She needs more time to sleep. I'll apply these make-ups later.

I laid on her bed and left her body behind. I waited for about 4 hours before I went into her body again.

4:05 am.

I applied the lip balm and the other make-ups on her face then, I wore another outfit that would suit the make-ups applied.

Ysabel is now wearing white sleeveless with sky blue colored unbuttoned polo then white skirt. Then a little style to look it fashionable.

Since she doesn't have many clothes and accessories, I guess this is enough for her.

"Goodluck." Scheduler told me as he disappeared.

I went to Heaven Cafe. It was still close, I remembered that the workers will go here around 5 and I'm very early. I sat on the staircase and waited for the other workers.

Minutes have passed until someone came.

"Diane, you're already here."

"Good morning Da-, sir Dave." I greeted. I'm used to call him Dave.

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