I'll Protect You

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I hold you to my chest,

I hold you in my arms.

I'll keep you safe, my darling.

I'll keep you safe from harm.

Look into my eyes,

I'll make your worry disappear.

Stroke your tear-stained cheeks,

I'll wipe away your fear.

I love you, my darling.

I'll protect you with my life.

I promise, my darling.

I will never let you die.

Author's Note:

This is yet another poem from last year, and I honestly don't remember why I wrote it. Most (if not all) of my poems are reflections on real life emotions or situations I am experiencing. This, however, was probably just from the perspective of a character, not exactly my own feelings.

I imagine a mother, holding her small child in her arms as she promises to keep her safe. Surrounded by destruction, war, devastation, yet she still clings to her daughter. Even if it means risking her own life, to protect that of her child's.

-I. Quill

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