Is This How I Die?

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Is this how I die? Walking mindlessly, with fury pulsing in my veins, clouding every instinct, every flicker of logic or reason. Only the sounds of my footsteps, the cracking of sticks beneath my feet. Voices from every direction, and when I try to follow them, they go away. I try to walk in a single direction, but every side of me looks the same—grass, trees, mountains, sky. And somehow I've walked in a perfect circle, even more lost than before. Getting deeper and deeper into the unknown, thinking only of the reason that brought me out here in the first place. And soon, the reason has escaped my mind altogether. And I am left feeling empty, confused, raw. My heart pounding in my chest as I look around, completely lost and alone. All because I let my horrible emotions take the reigns, walking me right into a trap. A trap at my own hands, all my fault. Tell me again, is this how I die?

Author's Note:

I said these words aloud, completely improvised, while walking through the forest alone. A different kind of poem than I usually write, but still a poem.

-I. Quill

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