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"But how did she come across so much information?" Gazing at her charming companion—her wonderful fiancé—Céleste sipped on her second chamomile of the afternoon, desperate for its herbs to soothe her nerves.

The Dining Room was calm, near empty; two noblemen were in deep discussion by the doors, and maids dusted and swept by the window.

"It is Charlotte." Sébastien lifted another biscuit to his mouth. "She is sly, and navigates these halls of rumors better than anyone, from what Jules has claimed. She wants to test you, ensure you are not holding out on her." He chewed, then washed down his bite with coffee.

Céleste sniffed in the precious scent that always reminded her of Prudence. She then hunched over, concealing herself behind Sébastien. She expected Charlotte to show up, as if summoned, to request her presence for some annoyingly long bridesmaid gathering.

"Do you not find it fishy that she would be aware of something still so up in the air? I doubt the Queen confided in her about it, nor did the King, and Jules is not in on this secret, is he?"

"This is why I wanted you to befriend her." Sébastien, unfazed by his fiancée's demeanor, sipped more of his beverage. "To report all these findings so I am informed of what spreads within the castle and who spreads it."

Céleste nearly slammed her fists on the table, but refrained at the last second, unwilling to draw attention. "Charlotte does! She is always spreading rumors! It was her fault I figured out Maggie's situation when she—" she winced, "—well, you know."

"I have not seen you so passionate and awake in days!" He perked up and took her hand in his. "Are you hungry? Will you eat something now?" Céleste growled at him, and he chortled. "Oh, you are cute when angry."

She held in the urge to swat him away. "So how does she know? Who told her about Antoine wanting to dissolve the marriage if she hates your mother and never spends time with Adelaide?"

Sébastien replaced his mug on the table and leaned in close. His coffee breath washed over her cheeks, once more plunging her into memories of Prudence.

"Think harder, my sweet. You seem to forget one important figure in her life. You mentioned him earlier, and I did not reply to your query about him, do you not wonder why?"

She racked her brain, weeding through the names she'd thrown out since she'd perched on her seat, wishing to drown in her drink.

"Adelaide, Antoine, your mother... oh." Her eyes widened, and she sensed her cheeks heating. "Jules? I thought... were you not keeping him out of things? Is he not on our side now?"

"Oh, he is." Sébastien adjusted his napkin before it fell from where he'd affixed it over his collar. "But he cannot be trusted with pertinent information, as it often slips from his mouth when he is distracted." His eyebrows wiggled suggestively as he lowered his chin. "He disliked Charlotte, at first, but now it appears she has her ways of getting him to open up, and I assume he tells her everything. So while Antoine and I have not informed him of anything regarding Adelaide, he may have overheard, and he may have mentioned it to Charlotte."

The Golden Princess (#4 in the GOLDEN series) ✔Where stories live. Discover now