Chapter One

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"We need to celebrate our graduation!" said Chloe as she pulled a slinky silver sheath from her closet. "Let's go to Afengi for drinks and some dancing. Maybe we'll get lucky and find some cute guys. I could handle sleeping with a hot guy to celebrate."

"Sounds good", said Amalie. "I need to let off some steam. I basically pulled an all-nighter to put the finishing touches on my thesis submission. I might not be drinking much. I think any alcohol would go straight to my head."

"I'm counting on that for me. I like being a cheap drunk." She giggled. "I feel like doing something crazy tonight." She picked up her phone and typed in a message before pulling her fuck-me heels out of the closet. Seconds later, she got a response. "Brooke is interested in coming, too. She'll meet us there in half an hour."

"That's great!" Amalie paused as pleasure morphed into concern. "What do you mean by something crazy? Getting plastered and dancing until we have blisters on our feet won't be enough for you?" She looked at her friend quizzically.

"I think we should get a tattoo." Chloe grinned in challenge.

Amalie stared at her. "A tattoo?"

"Yeah", smiled Chloe. "I was thinking something symbolic. Maybe the school insignia."

Amalie shuddered. "I don't think so. I don't necessarily want to remember all my late nights and stressful exams every time I look in the mirror. You're finishing veterinary college. Perhaps you should get a tattoo of a dog or something. Where are you planning on getting one?"

"Hmm", she said, "depends upon how cute the tattoo artist is. If he is cute, I'll get it on my butt. But if he isn't cute, I'll get it on my shoulder."

Amalie chuckled. "And if the tattoo artist is a girl?"

"Definitely my shoulder." Chloe laughed. "What will you get?"

"I don't know if I will."

"Come on", said Chloe. "I dare you. Be wild and crazy for one night. We have the rest of our lives to be sane and sensible. Haven't you always wanted a tattoo? Even just a teensy one?"

"I've thought about it", she said slowly. She didn't want to admit it, knowing that Chloe would push for her to ink her body, but she was inherently honest and didn't want to lie to her friend.

"I've always wanted one", said Chloe. "I just could never decide on what tattoo to get. What would you like?"

"I don't know. Perhaps a small flower on my hip."

"What kind of flower? A rose?"

"Nah. Too ordinary. I was thinking more like a tulip. Purple, because it's my favorite color."

"That would be beautiful. At least you aren't suggesting a dollar sign." She grinned mischievously.

Amalie was confused. "Why would I want a dollar sign?"

"That's easy", she said, chuckling. "If I'm a vet and am getting a dog or a cat, you should get a dollar sign since you're finishing your M.B.A."

"Ha, ha. Very funny. I think a flower is more appropriate. After all, who'd want to go to bed with someone who had a dollar sign tattooed on their hip?"

Chloe laughed. "You're right. It might give the wrong idea." She shimmied out of her jeans and put on her dress, then slid her feet into her heels. "Come on, Am. Get ready. There's a Malibu cocktail calling me, and I'm thirsty."

"It's been a long time since we were out celebrating", said Amalie.

"The three sisters out for one last ride."

Myrddin's Magic - Book One of the Magic TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now