Chapter Ten

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"We need to meet the Shifters next", said Killian to Gabriel that night as they sat in Killian's study. It was Sunday, and while Amalie had thought that they had only spent a couple of hours in Fay, the whole weekend had actually passed.

"Was your trip to Fay successful?" asked Gabriel as he stretched out his legs.

Killian nodded. "It was. Queen Titania marked Amalie. She also strengthened Amalie's magical powers. I have had Amalie cancel my meetings for the week, and am taking a holiday from work."

"You? Take a holiday?" Gabriel laughed as he took a sip of A positive.

Killian made a rude sound and Gabriel laughed again. "I'm spending the week teaching Amalie how to control her powers. Queen Titania has given her a gift, but it's only a gift if Amalie knows how to use it."

Amalie slept in the next morning. Visiting the Land of Fay had tired her out more than she thought it would, and by the time she rose the next morning, the sun was high in the sky. "Have you recovered from visiting your grandmother?" asked Killian as he sat with her while she ate breakfast. He had eaten hours earlier.

"I think so", she said as she yawned. She played with a slice of bacon, and Killian looked pointedly at it. She looked abashed and stopped playing, and instead took a bite.

Killian smiled. "Good. We have a lot of work to do."

Amalie looked at her breakfast. "How does Clara always know when I am ready for breakfast?"

"She waits until she hears you coming down the stairs. When she does, she whips up something for you to eat. Because she has magic, she just needs to think of what she'd like to make you and it appears."

"Wow." Amalie was impressed. "Now that's a handy skill to have. Will I be able to do that?"

Killian smiled. "Probably, although you will need to have Clara teach it to you. I've never had to learn that skill."

"Cool. Will she also teach me how to clean the house with a single thought? Because that would be even better than being able to make food on demand. I like to cook, but dusting is one of my least favorite activities."

Killian smiled. "Yes, she could. She is a very powerful fairy but, from what I could tell from your blood, you are just as powerful as she is – if not more so."

Amalie stopped and looked at him. "Have you fed from Clara before?" Her voice was tense with jealousy, and she gave herself a shake. Killian was her boss and her friend. He wasn't a potential boyfriend.

"No, I haven't", smiled Killian, pleased to hear her jealousy. "The only fairies that I have fed from are you and Queen Titania. I know that Clara is a powerful fairy from seeing what she can do."

"By her housework?" Amalie ate a bite of egg and mopped up the runny egg yolk with a piece of toast.

"Clara is much more than a housekeeper. Over the years, she has played the part of my protector several times. These rogue vampires are not the only ones who have threatened our way of life in the past."

Amalie chewed her mouthful, swallowed, and said, "if Clara is more than a housekeeper, doesn't she get tired of always having to look after the house? I mean, I have to do housework and personally I find it a bit boring."

"Clara, because of her magic, doesn't really spend much time doing housework. She travels to her daughter's house most days while we are at work and looks after her grandchildren."

"She has grandchildren?" Amalie smiled. She could see Clara in the role of a doting grandmother.

"Yes. Several. I think there were seven at the last count."

Myrddin's Magic - Book One of the Magic TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now