Chapter Eleven

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"We'll learn about force fields today", said Killian, "and then you'll have a nap. We have a meeting with the alpha this evening, and you need to be awake for that."

"Do you think the shifters will like me?" She played with her food, nervous about the upcoming meeting.

Killian smiled. "There is nothing about you to dislike. They'll love you."

"I'm just worried. You said there's bad blood between the fay and the shifters", she explained. She pushed aside her food and stood, too anxious to eat.

Killian smiled reassuringly, stood, and pulled her into a hug. "They'll love you", he said as she burrowed in. "Shifters have a problem with the fay because the fay often don't recognize shifter magic. Shifters are just as magical as the fay, but their magic is different. They're more athletic creatures, whereas the fay are more cerebral. You have the best of both worlds. You're fast and strong from your shifter heritage, and you can harness power because of your fay heritage. I wouldn't worry about your meeting with them tonight. It will go just as well with the shifters as it went with the fay." He kissed her on the top of her head.

"Will we have to go to a special place to meet the shifters like we did when we went to the Land of Fay?" she said as she bit her lip.

"No, we won't", he said as he brushed her hair away from her face. "The shifters live in society mixed with humans. I'm sure you've met shifters before. In fact, several shifters work at Merlin Enterprises. The alpha, however, is a gym teacher at Alton Tech. He's a natural leader. He lives on a large plot of land just outside town. It's large enough to support the pack when they shift and go for a hunt."

"Was he related to my father?" She looped her arms around his waist. It was different cuddling a vampire. He was cool rather than warm, and you didn't hear his heart beating so rapidly. Amalie listened to see if she could discern one.

"What are you doing?" asked Killian as he looked down at her.

"I'm listening for a heartbeat." She laid her head back on his chest. "It's very slow, isn't it?"

He smiled. "Yes, it is."

She listened for a moment longer without hearing a beat before giving up. "So, was he related to my father?"

"No, he wasn't. Your father was the alpha in the Louisiana pack when your mother fell in love with him. Mack might have met him, however. Mack has been alpha of the Alton pack for several decades."

"I'd love to hear stories about my parents", she said wistfully. "With them dying when I was so young, I don't remember them."

"Mack may be able to fill you in on some of your history. Are you ready to learn about force fields?"

"Yes", she said with a smile.

"Then eat your damn food."

Four hours later, Killian stopped for lunch. Amalie was just about dead on her feet. "Just let me sleep", she begged.

"After you eat", said Killian firmly. "Erecting and maintaining force fields is one of the more exhaustive types of magic that you can do. It's important to master, because it's the primary method of protecting yourself. However, it takes a lot of energy."

"After I sleep, I'll eat. I promise", she said as her eyelids fluttered closed.

"Eat first", said Killian. He put some power into the command, but Amalie was too tired to respond. Killian forked up a mouthful of stew and fed it to her. She chewed and swallowed, and he fed her another mouthful, all the while castigating himself for driving her as hard as he had. By the time he had finished feeding Amalie her lunch, she was just about asleep. He carried her up to her room and put her to bed, and kissed her on her forehead as he pulled up the blankets. "Have a good sleep, cariad", he said softly as he left the room. "You deserve it."

Myrddin's Magic - Book One of the Magic TrilogyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя