Chapter Nine

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"What should I wear to Fay?" asked Amalie as they left the office that Friday night.

"Something comfortable", said Killian. "We need to do a bit of walking, so wear running shoes and whatever you think will look good with the running shoes."

"So, sweatpants?" she asked as she mentally reviewed the clothes that she had in her wardrobe at Killian's.

Killian caught her hand in his, and Amalie left it there. It just felt right. "If you want to. Remember that you will be meeting your grandmother in person for the first time, and she will likely be introducing you to the other fairies as a princess."

"Hmm. Then I guess sweatpants won't do. They aren't very princess-y."

Amalie walked into the house and headed for her bedroom. She opened her closet and took out a pair of skinny jeans, a blue and cream patterned dressy swing top, and a butterscotch suede jacket. She touched up her makeup and changed, put on the recommended running shoes, and decided that she looked as good as she would get.

"You look nice", said Killian as she entered the dining room. Killian had a glass of blood in front of him, and to his side was a plate of food for Amalie. She looked at the food and sighed, then tucked into her steak. Killian smiled. "I'm glad you're eating", he said. "I don't know when we'll next be able to sit down to a meal."

Killian drank half his glass of blood in one draw. He stood and went over to the sideboard, opened a drawer and removed a purse. "There are gold coins in the purse", said Killian as he handed it to Amalie. "We will need the coins to arrange safe passage into the Land of Fay."

"Can't we just walk in? Why do we have to arrange safe passage? Is it dangerous in Fay?"

"We can hike, but it would be a wet walk. To get to Fay, we must enter through the portal. There are many entrances to Fay, but the one I usually use is at the shores of a lake. When we arrive, we will need to take a boat from the shore to Fay. That's where the coins come in. We will need the coins to arrange for safe passage."

Amalie finished her steak and ate a bite of potato. "Will there be a boat waiting for us?"

Killian finished his glass of blood before responding. "Not for us specifically, but there should be a boat there. The waters are patrolled by dragons both under and over the water. Only the gatekeeper can promise safe passage."

Amalie finished her vegetables and put her knife and fork down. "And to use the services of the gatekeeper you need to pay him in coin?"

"Not exactly. You need to pay him in gold. It could be a gold bar or a coin. It doesn't matter, although they don't make change. So, if you pay in ten gold bars even though you only need to pay with one gold coin, be aware that you will never get your money back."

Amalie looked in the pouch of gold coins, noticing that they all came from different countries. She dumped them out on the table to inspect them. Some of them looked quite old. "Does it matter which country the gold comes from?"

"No. It could be a gold coin from Ireland just as easily as a gold coin from the United States. The denomination or country of origin don't matter. It is the percentage of gold in the coin that matters."

"Why are you telling me this?" she asked as she put the coins back into the purse.

"If we get separated, I want you to return to the gatekeeper and have him bring you back to the portal. Then I want you to come home again. I will meet you here as soon as I can get free."

She looked at him, her heart going into her throat. "Do you think we will be separated?"

Killian shrugged his shoulders. "I hope not, but you never know when you are dealing with the Fay. As I said, they like to play tricks."

Myrddin's Magic - Book One of the Magic TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now