Drama and Awkward Moments

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    Drama. You can try your hardest to avoid it, but it'll creep it's way into our lives. In this day and age, people craved drama and would do anything it seemed to drink it up. Drama meant attention. Attention meant being judged. I grew up absolutely despising it. Every girl and boy in my high school did whatever it took to create drama. It was so dumb. Why would you purposefully make yourself look like an imbecile just to get noticed by your peers? I'd rather stay coped up in the library, reading old Indiana Jones books.
    It was far worse now, of course. Just last week one student of mine got up in class and began screaming that her best friend kissed her sister's ex on the cheek. The whole class burst into gasps, a few students freaked out, and one even cried. I was forced to end it there, since they just wouldn't calm down. Luckily I had a few good eggs who sat quietly after everyone left who stayed and did their schoolwork.
    Joseph reminded me of the girl who stirred everything up. He didn't have much reason to, he only cried wolf to get everyone's focus. The rest who stayed calm were the good ones. Maybe he has difficult circumstances, but despite that he should have stayed quiet, or have not shown up at all. Caroline had rose from the couch, running past us and after Joseph. My curiosity burned inside me. What reason did she have to go after him? 
    "We'll end today's meeting early,"  Elizabeth announced to the room. There was a tense feeling in the room now. Confusion wafting through the air. Everyone thinking the same thought. "Vicky, go make sure Caroline is okay."
    The way Elizabeth said that made it seem as if Joseph might rape her if she gets too close. He was much taller that Caroline but I made the assumption she was faster. Victoria didn't hesitate getting up and going after her peers. Elizabeth kept a clear face as she stood and walked to the small kitchen area where she had pulled out her phone to make a call. 
    "Kids these days, right?" A gruffy voice said beside me, it was Francis. I couldn't tell if he was talking to someone in particular or talking to himself. I smiled awkwardly and nodded in agreement anyway. He looked over at me with tired eyes, "Karen, you're a school teacher, it must be difficult for you to handle them."
    I looked over to him, "How'd you know I was a teacher?"
    "You said it in your poem," Francis awkwardly scratched the back of his head, "thought I'd take a leap of faith."
    I straightened my posture, suddenly feel dumb for not remembering, "You are correct."
    He smiled softly, "Let me guess, considering how well your poem was, English teacher?"
    "Geography, actually," I looked down, feeling embarrassed, "but thank you."
    "Ahh, my brother used to be a Geography nerd," he replied, "I was more home bound than the rest of my family."
    I looked up curiously now, and hesitantly asked; "What about your poem?"
    Francis looked down to his hands, quiet for a moment before answering, "Hayden, my wife, wanted to get out of the cold, so I took her to Hawaii."
    I smiled softly, it was sweet. My smile faded. That was something I had only dreamed of. For Jeremy to have swept me off my feet to some far off beach. My eyes lifted back up to his face, "That's amazing, everyone needs a husband like you." It was bold to say but I wanted to. Suddenly I felt myself settle ever so slightly around Francis. It scared me.
    He shook his head, "What about you? Being a Geography teacher must mean you've been some places."
    "No," I answered, "I've never set foot out of Illinois. I always planned on it, but plans change unfortunately."
    Francis smiled grimly, "Plans can be remade."
    Our eyes connected and I felt myself sinking into his blue orbs. We stayed there for what seemed like hours but in reality was only a few seconds. I closed my eyes and stood up, stumbling back down again. Francis got up and made his way to help me up, but I awkwardly stood back up and bumped our heads. He stepped back, holding his nose. "Oh-I-uh-I'm so sorry!" He started to say it was okay or fine but I couldn't hear him because my feet were already carrying me out the door. I heard Elizabeth calling after me, but I only went faster. I passed Victoria on the road who was looking around with confusion painted to her face. She started calling out my name. I only ignored it. My face was burning as bright as my hair.
    What was wrong with me? 

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