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   I stayed at the club a little longer and helped clean up with Elizabeth. She had packed me some leftover cookies and fruits. I appreciated the generosity, but I only knew I'd stuff them in my fridge until I was forced to throw them out. Or at least feed them to the cat.
   I couldn't lie, I did feel uncomfortable and sort of embarrassed after causing Karen to run out. Of course I'd make it my goal to make things right next week. Perhaps buy her a coffee? Crap, I didn't know if she liked coffee. She never ate or drank anything when she was at the Club. Perhaps a simple apology? No, that's ridiculous. She knows I'm sorry so I won't bother it. Things would be fine.
And yet again, I couldn't lie. I hated admitting to gender stereotypes. I was supposed to be a "modern" man. But sadly, I wasn't quite able to communicate my feelings in such ways, like apologizing. It didn't come naturally.
   Hayden often got on my back for that. She said I needed to become more connected to my feelings. I will admit that since her passing, I had become more in tune with emotions. With help from the Club most likely. Hayden would be proud. If only she could see me now.
   I did hope Karen was okay.

   When I got home, I fed the cat some cookie then made myself some coffee and plopped down in front of the TV. After flipping through channels, I settled on an old TV show and eventually fell asleep with the Cat in my lap.

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