Game Day

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I didn't enjoy lying to everyone. It weighted my conscious deeply. What exactly was I to say for my actions? For Joseph's actions? He was being considerate by taking me away from the public. I knew I was going to feel slightly embarrassed the next time I saw everyone, but I didn't regret going after him. I saw a new side. True, I didn't know Joseph very well, but after last night, I wanted to know him more.
I caught myself rubbing my wrists. I wanted to know what hurt him that badly. I squeezed my eyes tightly. I never want anyone to feel that pain. Whether inflicted by others or by yourself. Joseph was broken. Farther damaged than we could tell.
I had been thinking about it more than I should have. About him more than I should have. Finding myself wanting to be in his room again, to be able to ask him more questions. Because after what happened, I wasn't sure I'd see him again. It was obvious he hated the Club, everything about it. He saw how damaged I am too. My nails dug into my palms. I scared him away for sure.
One good thing happened although. Jackson never called, so he didn't know. So I didn't have to add to my collection of bruises. He did however call this morning, and sounded pretty happy. It could have been that he's just excited for the game and party tonight. Whenever they won, he would always be so nice. Like the way things were before. Before he changed. We'd dance and kiss and all that good couple-y stuff. If things went well, it'd last for a few days too. I did indeed enjoy game day.
That morning I did my makeup as usually and slipped into jeans and a pink varsity jacket with matching converse. My dad made a joke that Jackson wouldn't be happy if I wasn't wearing the team colors. I knew it was a joke but had second guessed myself. No, he'd win and things would be okay.
"Dad, it's only a fable that you have to wear the teams colors in order for them to win." I giggled at him, because he was wearing them himself. "I'll rephrase that, that the players girlfriends have to wear them."
"It's all about the spirit, Care."
"I've got plenty of spirit, they'll hear it from miles away!" I laughed. But it was the truth. I counted on the win. Dad ruffled my curly hair.
I gathered up some cookies that I had made earlier that morning, hugged my father and strutted out the door. First thing on my agenda, go to Vicky's and formally apologize for disappearing.

I didn't need to knock once I arrived, since I had my own key. Mrs Orion was gone, most likely to yoga. So I slipped inside and walked straight to Vicky's room. She was still in bed. So peaceful. At least until I jumped on top of the bed, slightly wincing in pain, but gaining a scream from her.
"You know, there's this thing called knocking." Vicky laughed, pushing hair out of her face.
"Oh, is that new?" We both laughed. I got a good look at her, "Have you been up all night?"
"How can you tell?" I pointed to the dark circles under here blue eyes. "Oh yeah, yeah I was up late watching TV."
"Were you watching TV or thinking?" I asked, I already knew the answer though.
"I did start watching something to distract me, but I got distracted distracting myself."
I giggled. I knew it wasn't good for her, not sleeping. But she did it so much that it was routine now. "So I take it you won't be making it to the game?"
"I don't think so Care," Vicky said, "don't get me wrong but I don't feel like going back to school."
I lightly punched her shoulder, "Hey, it isn't his fault he got pulled back grade." Jackson was smart. But not smart enough? That doesn't sound nice though. Let's just say he failed math.
"Oh right, his parents failed to give him the smarts." She laughed lightly. Vicky liked Jackson, but she liked to pick on him. He was surprisingly okay with it too.
"Come on V, it'll go by fast and then we'll be at the party and you can flirt with cute boys."
She winced slightly, "I think I'm giving up on guys."
I rubbed her shoulder. Boys put her through so much that maybe a break would be good. "Alright, what about just spending time dancing like an idiot with your best friend?"
She shrugged then smiled, "Fiiine, I'll go but only because I could use the distraction."
"Does that mean you got in another fight with your mom?"

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