Chapter 3

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**I do not own the Avengers or any Marvel characters**

Accidental Encounter- James and Steve

Darcy had heard the news of Steve Rogers bringing home the Winter Soldier through Thor. Having not met Steve yet or his friend who Thor says is James "Bucky" Buchanan Barnes. Darcy was intrigued about who these men where. She had seen the news footage from the battle of New York and knows that Steve is the Captain America that was frozen in ice for years and felt sad for the man. She had also seen footage about the Winter Soldier or Bucky as Thor calls him.

She wasn't afraid. She knew that terrible things had happened to both men and she wanted to help in any way that she could.

Like my mama always told me, food heals just about everything.

With that in mind, Darcy heads to the Communal Kitchen.

Darcy thinks what would be the best thing to make after having trouble deciding she then decides Italian food is the key. Setting out to gather the ingredients to make homemade lasagna, pasta and meatballs, bread, and some soup she begins to cook.

Hours later, Tony wanders in tinkering around the kitchen.

He watches as she finishes preparing the feast. Darcy slaps his hands away when he tries to steal pieces of freshly baked bread.

"Hey J?" Darcy calls to the ceiling

"Yes, My Taser Queen?"

Tony sputter and glances at Darcy in shock 

Darcy Smirks and says "Can you please alert the team that dinner is ready"

"Of course, My Taser Queen" 

Tony breaks out into laughter, cackling and sitting at the island.

The team slowly trickles into the kitchen for dinner

Darcy hadn't actually talked to anyone on the team except Tony, Thor, and Bruce thought she did know everyone's names.

Clint and Natasha were the first ones in. They looked around in slight awe curious as to why someone would go through all the trouble. They spotted Darcy in the middle of all the food and smiled and grabbed a plate.

Bruce was next. Quietly sitting down and thanking Darcy for cooking.

Steve and James were the next ones into the kitchen. They hovered in the doorway for a second longer than what was needed but Darcy didn't mind. They also seemed a little shocked that someone had cooked a big meal for all of them. They Smiled at Darcy with sad eyes in thanks.

With everyone around the table, Darcy begins to serve the Classic Italian Comfort food.

The next hour was spent in comfortable silence with the scraping of forks on dishes and the moans about the wonderful food.

Done eating Darcy glanced up at Tony and said, "Family Movie Night, Tomorrow same time I'll order pizza for everyone, we need to bond if we're all going to be living together"

Happily Ever Darcy or the one where Darcy has a big heart and has four soulmarksWhere stories live. Discover now