Part 6

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-My uncle Burak was the best student of art and design here in Istanbul. He was younger than my father and 20 years ago my father was already the CEO of the family company. When my uncle decided to continue with his specialization in the United States, my father was expecting that he will later come back to Istanbul and that he will be a partner in our family company. Unfortunately, my uncle has decided to live in New York. He was coming here couple of times in a year when i was  a child and then there was a  time when he didn't even call on the phone. In the mean time my father's company got broke and they couldn't send any money for my uncle's education. Probably those years he wasn't coming in Turkey because of the financial situation. I was a child and i did not ask questions that i wouldn't understand. However, many years later my father by a wonder got money to found the family company again and quickly the company become one of 10 most successful  companies in Turkey. I am not sure, but i think that uncle Burak has sent to him the money. Last thing my father said to me before he died was that i should be  CEO of the company and that I have to talk with my  uncle Burak. When i asked what about? My dad just said- Burak knows, listen to him and please obey to his wishes, if he wasn't in the most important period of our lives, we would be now beggars on the streets. I know that you want to learn about your mum and uncle Burak. All that i have heard when i was a little boy is that uncle Burak and your mum were very much in love. They went together in the same College, but her family was a very religious christian family and they were bothered by their daughter's boyfriend who was Turkish and Muslim. They knew that he was then very poor. My uncle decided to change his name to Robin and he wanted to become christian as your mum.He even got a ring and he asked for your mum's hand. Unfortunately, your grandparents said no. My uncle was crashed. He left to Aspen to work in a hotel . I think he met some rich guy and they become friends. That's how my uncle become a rich businessman and later he become a mayor of  some city in Colorado. Your mum was told that he went back to Turkey. How she met your father, i do not know. How or did he even contacted later your mum-that question you should ask uncle Burak. This is all i know!-Murat stopped with his story. Now Luna was so close to him. She just leaned her head to his shoulder. She didn't cried. She was just watching in one spot.

-It's cold. I think i will go to my room now.

-Oh, no miss Luna. The night is still young. There is one more thing we have to do.

-And what is that mr. Murat?

-Just Murat when we are out of office, please. I have prepared some music for us. I like old songs. Please take my hand. Stand up please!- while he was telling Luna what to do, he took one Lp record and he put in on the old gramophone and put the needle at the beginning of the record. The music started to play.

Luna was doing like he said. 

-Now, may i have a dance with you?

Luna nod. She was enchanted by the music. Slow rhythm and a strange female voice. It was in Turkish. Like she has heard that song before.While they were dancing, she felt a strange aching in her stomach. Like that ache was growing inside of her, but yet it did not caused any pain, she felt like a mild wind was playing with her hair. Murat hands were trembling. Did he felt the same ache? Did he had the same feeling as she was feeling? He just bend his head closer to her face and he kissed her gently and long. Just like in the movie Casablanca that they've watched earlier. Luna was surprised by the kiss. Oh, my chest will explode. Why am i feeling so strange? she turned her head quickly.

-I...can't, i have to go to my room!-she ran through the garden and she got inside the villa.

-Well, Murat, you just had to do that, didn't you? Now what?-he said to himself loudly.

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