Chapter 11

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- I have something for you!- Luna was very mysterious.

- And what is it? Is it a surprise? You've said it's coffee time!

-Help yourself with a rum and cola. No other booze, sorry. Obviously you've commanded to the hotel's staff to take out from the bar all the liquor, am i right MR. Perfect?

-No, i did NOT! There must be any alcohol in the mini bar. But, rum and cola it's fine! 

-I'll be back in a minute, Murat!-Luna smiled so mysteriously that Murat felt a pain in his chest.

-Hurry, i don't want to drink alone!

While he was sitting comfortably on the sofa, his excitement was growing. What's she's up to now? Crazy girl! When Luna came into the room, his eyes were wide open in a surprise. Wow, she was gorgeous, beautiful, enchanting...breathtaking,  simply magical.

There she was. Luna was wearing an aquamarine belly dancing costume. She took the command in her hand and played a music on the TV. It was a music called ,,Arabic magical dances,,

-Do you like what you see Mr. Perfect? I bought the costume yesterday. It was a shame to stay in the closet. I did some rehearsals as well. I am waiting for your notes Mr.Judge. Did i learn to dance well?-Luna stopped talking. Now she was moving her hips in the rhythm of the music. Every move of her body was provocative, very smooth-like she was a belly dancer for her whole life! She was expecting a hot reaction of Murat. Unfortunately, she was surprised by Murat's reaction.

He just left her room-silently. Actually, he fled from that tempting situation.

                                                     *** (Luna's POV)

What were you thinking, girl? That he will fell to your charm? That he will immediately start kissing you? You wanted him badly, do you? Well, guess, what? it ain't gonna happen this night!

I know, i am asking myself many questions. I really wanted to be loved. I needed Murat's love. He already has stolen my heart and my  soul. I was madly, so madly in love with him. Everything has happened very fast. Every time he was near to me, i was feeling happy. When he wasn't around me, i was imagining for hours his smile, his lips...oh, that kiss, God, he had so soft lips. He kissed me so tenderly that i felt that i will stop breathing. Did he had the same feelings as i had that moment? I am sure he wasn't pretending. You cannot hide the feelings. 

I was so sure that Murat has the same feelings about me. After his running  from my seduction episode, i am pretty much confused. Did i rushed with my belly dance? Should have wait for him to make the first move? Now, it doesn't matter. I've ruined everything.


Few minutes later, Luna got  an SMS from Murat.

Good night dear Luna. Have a good sleep because the morning is wiser than the evening. And, i think that the morning will be full with cheesy surprises!

Well, Luna you are again in the beginning. This guy is so mysterious. You don't know what and when to expect from him. I guess it's time for me to wear my cute pyjamas. Although the night is young, i think i can close my eyes and wonder around my fantasies. She closed her eyes. In front of her was a high hill, she was running up that heal barefooted. She had a green dress on her and her hair was loose. She felt so light, she was going up to the hill like she was flying. When she got at the top she just couldn't believe her eyes. In front of her was a pink colored castle. It was the most beautiful castle she has ever seen. The door opened. While she was entering the castle, she felt a heat in her heart. She was so excited to see what's it like inside. All of a sudden, a prince was going down the stairs. He was so handsome in that navy blue royal suit. The strange thing was that while he was approaching to her, she was not able to see his face, like he had a weil or something that wasn't showing clear his face. When he stopped, he was very close to her. And then...she just stopped breathing. It was Murat. Hotter than ever. He kissed her hand and invited her to dance. They danced for hours, like the time has stopped around them. Then he pressed his lips gently on her lips. The kiss was never ending... well until she did not hear a knock on her door and she did realize that she was kissing the pillow.

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