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I remember when I was a seven how much I loved waking up in the mornings. The bright sun rays making my eyelids seem red and watching the sunrise as it paints shadow pictures on my pink and blue bedspread. Blue birds chirping in my ear as I stretch and smile knowing that it was going to be a good day.

Oh how the times have changed.

Ten years later I now wake up to the sounds of heavy, depressing rain drops on the roof, and the clouds blocking in such a way that there is not even a slim chance of seeing sunshine today. There are no birds chirping, no sun shining, just the rain and I.

Derailing my thoughts I stand up and let the soft white carpet of my bedroom caress my feet.

Today is just great because tI'm starting a new school in Britain. Isn't starting a new school just lovley.

Screwing my eyes shut and trying not to think about it I stumble into my white and grey bathroom and avoiding looking into the big glass mirror, knowing I look a mess resulting in me staying up until three in the morning worrying anout school. 

One of these days I hope to get to sleep before twelve and act like a functional member of society. 

I undress out of my night clothes consisting of a big t-shirt and underwear and step into my shower, wincing as it starts out with cold water but then relaxing again as it turns warm and soothes my sore back.

I pick up my strawberry wash and shampoo and lather them on my body and hair.

I was lost in my thoughts. Would the school be big? Would people like me?

Not that I cared any way. I stopped caring what people thought about me a long time ago

"Nellie, your going to be late!"

I mumble as I shut off the water and wrap my body in a towel. I wipe the perspiration off of the long glass mirror and look into it. I see a girl with black hair and too big eyes, her cheeks puffy from the shower and her eyelashes sticking together. I open the door from my humid sanctuary, and into the bed room where I see my new nanny waiting

She smiles at me as I open the door.

"I just wanted to let you know that your school starts in 40 minutes and it's a 10 minute drive there so hurry your pretty butt up and get ready." She sasses.

"Oh, and by the way, my nephew is coming to escort you to school today so you can learn your way around." She says quickly as she shuts the door behind her.

A nephew?

"He better be nice!" I say to her through the door and I hear her musical laugh in return.

Why is she laughing?

I shrug and drop my towel as I put on my under garments which happen to be boy shorts because they literally are they only thing I wear I cannot stand thongs.

I sigh...what to wear? I kind of just want to wear sweat pants but then again I don't want them to think that all American teenage girls are slobs. 

I finally decide on wearing my brown lace up boots, dark wash jeans, with a brown belt, and a hunter green sweater. I dry my curly black hair attempt to put a side part in.

"Nellie! Time to go!" Ms. Charlotte calls from downstairs.

"Coming!" I call down to her as I pick up my black book bag and sling it over my shoulders.

Trudging downstairs I see Ms. Charlotte talking to a boy, his back is to me but I can see he is much taller than my measly 5 foot 4. I appraise him as my eyes scan down his fit body.

The boy turns around and I can see his stunning facial features

"Nellie Hollinder I would like you to meet my nephew Louis Tomlinson."


note that this book will contain mature themes so is you don't like to talk about the s.e.x (which you probably have no problem with because you ARE reading fanfiction I mean fr...) please feel free to click that white little arrow and go read the bible.

Rain (h.s)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora