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I almost want to turn around and face the greened eyed monster, but I refrain myself from doing so. Instead I bite the inside of my cheek and stare straight forward.

I hear him clear his throat, the sound grating on my nerves, as I clench the edge of the wooden desk hard.

"I frankly agree with Ms. Sinclair's argument." He says slowly, struggling to pronounce the words correctly through his heavy English accent. "But I do think that Juliet was brave, not stupid. She followed her heart instead of others peoples beliefs it shows... courage."

The way he pronounced courage was enough to make Raia swoon, and apparently the rest of the female population thought so as well, as some leaned on their desks, and fanning their faces, to stop the increasing red.

Mrs. Stein nodded her head, seeing Harry's point of view.

She smiled at him tightly, and moves on the the next question. It was unheard through my ears as I complemented what could Harry possibly know about a great romance such as Romeo and Juliet.

Before I know it English had slipped through my fingers, and the bell had rung, releasing me from class.

I stood up slowly and blew out a puff of air. Raia had already stood beside me, anxiously tapping her foot.

"Do you have somewhere to be?" I questioned, if I was holding her up she could go ahead and leave.

"U-um kind of, I have to meet my boyfriend." She blushed a little.

"Awe," I cooed, "What's he like."

"Well," she started, "His name is Alex, and he is absolutely perfect."

And in that moment I realized how much being single truly sucked.

I put on a smile as we walked out the door, apparently her mind was still on Alex because she bumped into a few students, not even bothering to say excuse me, but rather staring dreamily into the air. Suddenly she grabbed my forearm to pull me toward the lockers. Standing against a one of the red lockers was a boy wearing the school soccer jersey, he taller than me with light brown hair and blue eyes, when he made eye contact with Raia, his face lit up with a mega watt smile as he stretched his arms out to meet her.

His eyes finally caught mine , as Raia released me from her grip and moved into his arms while I stood there like the awkward third wheel.


I cleared my throat and Raia finally made eye contact with me, as she physically face palmed herself.

"My bad, Alex this is Nellie, she is new here."

Alex's eyes went wide in acknowledgement.

"Your the girl that, beat up Harry Styles, yeah I heard about you."

I let out an exasperated sigh. "I didn't beat him up, and be sure to tell whoever told you that the truth."

He held his hands up in surrender, but there was still a mischievous glint in his eyes as he appraised my body, scanning me from head to toe. Raia was obvious to all of this as she examined the pink and white pattern on her nails.

I backed away and looked at my always present silver watch adoring my wrist. It was 3:30 and I was supposed to be at "home" by four.

I tapped my foot and Raia looked back up to me momentarily stopping her giggling with Alex.

"I have to get home soon, but thanks for today." I tell her gratefully.

She smiled in acknowledgement. "I will probably not be here tomorrow, I have a doctors appointment, but I hope to see you soon."

I smiled, and with a little wave of my hand I went toward the student parking lot where I supposed Louis was waiting because he was my ride.

Walking outside in the chilly air, and wrapping my coat around myself, I looked for the car that I arrived in, and failing to find it in the almost barren parking lot.

I humorlessly chuckled to myself and pulled out my phone to call Ms. Charolte's number. If Louis coudn't pick me up I'm sure she would find it in her heart to do so. It was on the third ring when I heard a horn blow coming from beside me. I looked up to see a Black Mustang pull up beside me. I turned and looked around me think that the car couldn't possibly be blowing at me, but finding that I was the only one in the parking lot. I turned around and pointed at myself, to which the window on the passenger rolled down revealing a curly headed devil.

"Get in."


The ride was very silent as Harry pulled way out of the school parking lot. I leaned my head against the cool window, and refused to talk to him.

"So how was your first day of school?" he asked.

I stayed silent.

'You know what we did in the closet was just a mandatory thing right?' he asked me.

I raised my head to look at him while he took his eyes of the road for five seconds to to glance at me, seeing that he had caught my attention, he cleared his throat to begin.

"We do it to all new girl students, it kinda goes around in a circle you know, Its Zayn, then Liam, then Louis, and lastly myself. It was my turn this time. So we have to take the new girl into a closet and see how far me would get with her to know if she was a ... slag or not. So... no hard feelings right, yeah?" he asked me while he stopped at a stop light.

It took me a second to understand this. He and his whole group disgust me, including Louis who I had thought was kind of alright at first. They use girls as objects and categorize them into groups. I crinkled my nose in disgust. Just how many girls has this guy been with?

We had finally pulled up to my house to which Harry slowly whistled.

"Louis was right, you are a spoiled little daddy's girl."

"My parents are dead." I told him bluntly almost cutting him off. I was a little hurt by his comment, was that how I come off to people. A spoiled little daddy's girl who get everything she wants in life?

Harry's eyes go wide in shock as this was the last thing he expected to hear.

"I'm sorry." he said gruffly as he bent his head and rested it on the wheel.

I was about to get out the car when his hand rested on my arm preventing me from leaving.

"Can we start over." he asked me hopefully.

"Well let's see," I started off. "You bully Niall, assault me inside a closet, argue against my claim in English because I was clearly right, and call me spoiled. I don't know about you but I don't think that this is how you would begin a very solid friendship Harry." I scold "and anyway Harry, why do you want me to be friends with you?"

He looks me in the eyes trying to gauge he next words carefully.

"I...think we are compatible." He says slowly.

I snort unattractively and move his hand off my arm.

"We are alot of things Harry and its not compatible."

I finally manage to open the car door and step outside into the cool air.

He once again rolls down the window and looks at me his a smirk lining his face.

"You know you are going to love me one day Nells."

I cringe at his nickname for me and retrieve my key from my back pocket.

Unlocking the door, I hear Harry toot his horn as he pulls out of the driveway.

I would love to toot his hor-

I cut my sexually frustrated conscious off with a shake of my head, and derail her vixen thoughts.

Compatible with Harry my ass.

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