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I could hear the clicking of my own brown boots as I walked into the rather large cafeteria.

As soon as I walked through the black and grey double doors a lot of the talking stopped, and more whispering and pointing began.

I shrugged it off, not wanting to make a scene and kept walking toward my destination, which was the short lunch line nestled in the corner of the cafeteria.

As soon as I was near enough to see the choices I could feel a look of disgust coming onto my face as I realized that what they had didn't look that appetizing.

I felt a large hand cup my shoulder and when I turned around there was a taller boy standing there. He had black spiked up hair that suited him rather nicely and wide green eyes. He was wearing a varsity letterman jacket in the school colors of red and blue, and I automatiucaly took him to be a stereotypical jock.

"My advice is not take anything that looks like meat, stick with cold things." He said with a seriously but relaxed expression on him face.

"Thanks for the advice." I tell him shrugging his large hand from my shoulder and turning back the lunch line to pick up a salad.

I turned around to converse with him some, more but he had already disappeared from my line of sight.

Buying my food and placing it on a red and black tray, I set out looking for a familiar tuff of brown hair and blue eyes.

A felt a quick nudge on my shoulder. Turning around I see that it is Louis.

"Are you still sitting with me today?" he inquires.

"Yeah, I was just looking for you in fact." I say.

He nods his head and then turns on his heels motioning for me to follow him. He then escorts me to a group in the back of the cafeteria.

Sitting at the table are three other boys and two girls. One of the girls had large, red hair that seemed dyed, and the other had beautiful platinum blond hair that is cut close to her shoulders in a bob.

Marching up to the table Louis easily slides in the booth motioning for me to sit next to him.

"Guys this is Nellie, she's new here." he introduces as I slide beside him.

"Hello." I mummer as no one even attempts to greet me.

Louis nudged me in the side almost pushing me off the seat, "Don't take it personally Nellie, they aren't really a conversing type of people." he says apologizing.

"The one with with black hair and the cheek bones from God is Zayn. The one with the brown hair and brown eyes is Liam, and last but not least there is the most cheerful of the bunch Harry." He continued.

Upon hearing this the one named Harry grunted, stuck up his middle finger, and continued kissing the red headed girl on his lap who giggles.

He seems friendly.

"Oh I forgot to mention the whores of the school Ginger and Lilly." Louis says in a quieter tone as he motions to the red headed one kissing Harry and the Blond one sitting very close to Liam.

I gape at him. "Don't call them whores they could be very nice ladies."

He grimaces at me, "Honey both of their vaginàs have been around school more than a bowl of chex mix at a party."

I grimace as my brain conjures up imagines of that exact same thing happening.

Suddenly the one named Zayn nudges Liam who looks up and and flashes a dangerous smile. He then catches the attention of Harry who stops sticking his tongue down Gingers throat and pushes her off of his lap.

"Well look who we have here." Harry says, a dimple popping out as he looks over my shoulder.

Looking behind me I see that it is Niall who I had met this morning. Just as I was about to greet him Liam interrupts me.

"How is is going today Gay-ler." Liam teases.

"Snogged any guys lately?" Zayn says as he cracks up, nudging Liam.

That wasn't very funny.

I furrow my eyebrows and look at Niall who's ice blue eyes flash to mind but look back to the floor an instant later.

"N-no." he stutters out.

"Do you mean y-y-yes." Zayn mocks again.

Niall attempts to move pass the table but Liam sticks his leg out and Niall trips over it, he then lands face first on the floor. The whole table busts out laughing including Louis.

I abruptly stand up and slam my tray on the table effectively ending the laughter. I hurry over to Niall who broke his glasses and has a bloody nose from the tile floor. I could see tears glinting in the corner of his eyes and the flame of rage ignited inside me.

"You all should be ashamed of yourselfs!" I scold helping Niall up. "I refuse to let you bully one of my friends."

Niall's eyes widen when I say friends but I'm to caught up in my rant to question him about it.

"You all must be really desperate for a life, to pick on someone, someone as nice as Niall at that!" I finish.

By now they are all starring at me with wide eyes. I can imagine how I look right now, nose flared and checks red from anger. my chest puffing out because of my rant but I don't care. No one deserves to be bullied.

Bending over and helping Niall up I see that most of the cafeteria is gaping at me. Getting Niall to stand up he leaned against me and I maneuvered his arm over my shoulder and my arm around his waist.

"You're pitiful." I say to them while looking at their not so charigined faces.

The red head named Ginger gets off the bench. "Who do you think you are, he deserves it." She says in her nasal voice and popping her gum. I hope she chokes on it.

"What did he ever do to you?" I ask her furrowing my eyebrows.

"He exists, the world would be a much better place if there were more people like me and less of his kind, yeah we steal his lunch money and stuff but he never had it today so we have to resort to violence." she says while popping her gun again and looking back at her blond friend who gives her a thumbs up.

How pathetic.

"Are you going to waste my time like this everyday because I think you confused me with someone who cares, and about his lunch money look on your moms dresser where he left it last night."

She gasps and for once I have no regrets on speaking my mind.

Turning around I half drag half carry Niall to try to find a nurses office. right as I was about to exit the cafeteria I address the whole student population.

"It would be nice if someone would show me to the nurses office." I say rather loudly.

"I will." Said the boy I had met earlier with spiked black hair and green eyes volunteers. He hurries to me and helps me support some on Niall's weight.

"Jethanial." he introduces.

"Nellie." I say smiling widely at him.

Niall moans and we remember we have an injured boy on our hands.

Going through the archway that connects the cafe to the hallway I risk a look back at table to see Ginger glaring at me and Harry looking at me with an unfathomable expression in his forest green eyes.


Another chapter up yyaassss and btw just saw a guy run to catch up with a girl so he could share his umbrella. keep doing you kid.


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