Letter 2

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That's all I want to know.
Why did you have to leave me.
I just need that answered.
You told me you loved me.
I remember it clearly.
We were setting on your bed just laughing at an Instagram post, then all of a sudden you stopped laughing and said "___ i love you" I didn't say it back. I should have.
When I didn't you teared up and ran out of the room and slammed the door.
Did I break your heart?
Was I the reason you left?
Am I hating you for leaving when I should hate myself for being the cause?
___ I'm so sorry.
I did this.
I love you.

I sat there with my pencil in hand crying. I finally realized I was the reason you left.
Or maybe not.
Maybe I was a helpful cause in the reason and you left because you couldn't take the pain of heartbreak.
If you would have stayed a little while longer I would have told you.
I promise I would have.

"Time to eat" Jonah said walking into my room.

"Fine" I said and ate it.

It wasn't much just some toast.

"Daniel wants to know if you'll go to the park with him" Jonah said but I declined.

He walked out of my room and I was alone again.

My letters - jachary Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant