Letter 6

371 20 0

We are going on tour.
Why didn't the band spilt up when you left.
I wish it would have.
I know it would hurt the fans but it hurst me not having you there.
When you left the fans were also heartbroken.
Some even dm me about it.
Did they know that I loved you?
I really did wish that jachary was real.
To bad it never happened.
But our first stop is Arizona, maybe I'll see you.
Probably not.
You may be out partying some where having a good time while I'm in my bedroom in your old hoodie crying and writing about you.

"Hey. Do you need me to wash anything. I'm doing laundry by the way" Daniel said walking into my room.

"Oh yeah thanks. My clothes are right there" I told him.

"How about the hoodie. It looks like it hadn't been washed in awhile" he said but I shook my head no.

"No it's fine" I said and he walked out.

It's true it hasn't been washed in awhile. Not since you washed it last.

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