Letter 12

296 16 2

Me and James are getting married jack.
He proposed last month.
You've been gone for 1 year and 10 months.
Me and James have been together for 6 months.
I know it's early but we really do love each other.
I already know if we adopt what I'll name the baby.
I found one of your rings the other day.
Well not really found I went into your room and stole it technically.
But I've been wearing it ever since.
I always have a piece of you with me.
I can even feel your presence with me sometimes.
I know your there.
Sometimes I can feel you touch me the slightest bit.
Like when me and the boys had a movie night you sat by me and held my hand.
I knew it was you so I started to cry and smile.
The boys asked why and I told them you were there and they believed me.
I hope you weren't mad I told them.
I haven't told James about it tho.
I love you jack Avery.

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