Letter 16

367 16 2

Jack it's been 7
I'm 23 now with 5 year old twins.
The band ended last year.
We all have solo careers now.
But we still sing together.
We post music and stuff when we want to do them together so it's like we're a band who makes our own music when we want to.

But you only visit me every now and then now.
I know you're watching over me and the twins.
I told them about our story last night.
They are very smart.
Avery told me you've sung her to sleep a few times.
I cried knowing that.
Jackson said you've watched him play basketball outside and even through him the ball.
He's only 5 and he plays like you.
I guess you've taught him how.

Oh jack you're gone but you really aren't.
It's like you are the dad of my kids and you aren't even here.
But some how I think you actually help me parent them by just telling me things.
God really did make you an angel.
You are my angel Jack Robert Avery.

You may not be with me right now but I know for sure you're here.
I love you so much jack and so does everyone else.

I knew the first time I saw you I loved you.
And I've never stopped.

I started these letters so I can try and help myself figure out where you went.

They ended up being our love story.

But the love story that I've written can't even get close to how much I love you.

You are my angle now jacky and you will always keep me Avery and Jackson safe.

I love you jack and this is the end of my letters because I know you have read them.

But I also know you can see and hear everything to so I'm going to stop.

I love you jack.

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